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[英]How to map series in different DataFrames

I have two dataframes, one holds the bulk of the data of a dataset and the second one holds some additional data that I got at a later point in time. 我有两个数据框,一个保存数据集的大部分数据,第二个保存我在稍后的时间点获得的一些其他数据。

Given the example below, I want to replace the values stored in df_main.b with the values found in df_additional.b and I should know which values to use by using the mapping found under column order_id , present in both dataframes. 考虑下面的例子,我想更换存储在值df_main.b与找到的值df_additional.b ,我应该知道哪些值通过下列中找到映射使用order_id ,存在于两个dataframes。

In [385]: df_main = pd.DataFrame({'order_id':['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'A6', 'A7'], 'b':[1,2,3,4,5,6,7], 'c':np.random.randn(7), 'd':np.random.randn(7)})

In [386]: df_additional = pd.DataFrame({'order_id':['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A5', 'A6', 'A7', 'A8'], 'b':['a','b','c','d','e','f','g']})

In [387]: df_main
   b         c         d order_id
0  1  0.460474 -1.092239       A1
1  2  0.872538  1.819610       A2
2  3 -0.343626 -2.493006       A3
3  4  0.489427  0.074341       A4
4  5 -1.690572  0.162746       A5
5  6 -0.851540  0.543129       A6
6  7 -0.559258 -0.170457       A7

In [388]: df_additional
   b order_id
0  a       A1
1  b       A2
2  c       A3
3  d       A5
4  e       A6
5  f       A7
6  g       A8

Notice how the values in df_main.order_id are not the same as df_additional.order_id . 请注意, df_main.order_id中的值与df_additional.order_id

I would like df_main.b to turn to np.nan for these orders that are present in df_main and not in df_additional (eg 'A4' , thus df_main['b'][3] should turn to np.nan ) 我想df_main.b转向np.nan这些订单存在于df_main而不是在df_additional (例如'A4' ,从而df_main['b'][3]应该转向np.nan

I would also like for all those orders that are present in df_additional and not present in df_main to be ignored, nothing new to be added in df_main . 我还希望所有在df_additional中存在df_additional不在df_main存在的df_main被忽略,在df_main中没有新添加的df_main

The final output should be: 最终输出应为:

>>> final_version
   b            c         d order_id
0  a     0.460474 -1.092239       A1
1  b     0.872538  1.819610       A2
2  c    -0.343626 -2.493006       A3
3  NaN   0.489427  0.074341       A4
4  d    -1.690572  0.162746       A5
5  e    -0.851540  0.543129       A6
6  f    -0.559258 -0.170457       A7

Thanks for helping 感谢您的帮助

Edit I have already tried with np.where() with the following results: 编辑我已经用np.where()尝试了以下结果:

In [389]: df_main.b = np.where(df_main.order_id == df_additional.order_id, df_additional.b, np.nan)

In [390]: df_main
     b         c         d order_id
0    a  0.460474 -1.092239       A1
1    b  0.872538  1.819610       A2
2    c -0.343626 -2.493006       A3
3  NaN  0.489427  0.074341       A4
4  NaN -1.690572  0.162746       A5
5  NaN -0.851540  0.543129       A6
6  NaN -0.559258 -0.170457       A7

Things go fine until a certain point, but it seems that comparison is made elementwise and therefore fails at some point ( 'A4' != 'A5' ) and from that point on all comparisons fail as well. 事情进展到一定点,但似乎比较是逐元素进行的,因此在某个点( 'A4' != 'A5' )失败,从那时开始,所有比较也都失败了。 Is it possible to use some form of isin for all order_id values in df_main , get the index and for that index retrieve the b value (?) 是否有可能使用某种形式的isin所有order_iddf_main ,得到指数和该指数检索b值(?)

You are looking for merge : 您正在寻找merge

pd.merge(df_additional, df_main, how='right', on='order_id')

#   b_x order_id  b_y         c         d
#0    a       A1    1 -2.532221  0.702512
#1    b       A2    2  2.550224 -0.649286
#2    c       A3    3  0.737817  0.999865
#3    d       A5    5 -0.484483  1.153589
#4    e       A6    6  0.526035  0.335695
#5    f       A7    7 -0.901915 -1.312429
#6  NaN       A4    4 -0.905911  0.865345

You can use join() if you make an index from order_id column in df_additional 如果您从df_additional中的order_id列创建索引,则可以使用join()

df_additional.set_index('order_id', inplace=True)    
df_main.join(df_additional, on='order_id', how='left')

Or if you can make indexes from order_id column on both sides, then there is a simple series assignment. 或者,如果您可以从两侧的order_id列中进行索引,则可以进行简单的序列分配。

df_main.set_index('order_id', inplace=True)
df_additional.set_index('order_id', inplace=True)    
df_main['b_add'] = df_additional['b']

If you need an example for the second case, here it is 10 Minutes to pandas 如果您需要第二种情况的示例,这里是熊猫的10分钟


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