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[英]How can I remove empty dataframes from a series of dataframes in pandas?

In python, I have a pandas series filled with pandas dataframes.在 python 中,我有一个充满熊猫数据框的熊猫系列。 However, sometimes an empty dataframe occurs in the series.但是,有时系列中会出现空数据框。 Because they are causing trouble, I want to filter them out.因为它们在制造麻烦,所以我想过滤掉它们。 I the following: serie[not serie.empty] , serie[!serie.empty] , but both is giving me errors.我如下: serie[not serie.empty]serie[!serie.empty] ,但两者都给我错误。 As alternative, I first replaced the empty data frames by 0, and then tried this: serie[serie != 0] , but this is ambigu according to the error.作为替代方案,我首先将空数据帧替换为 0,然后尝试以下操作: serie[serie != 0] ,但根据错误,这是不明确的。 Does anyone have any suggestions?有没有人有什么建议? Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

A pandas Series has no empty method.熊猫系列没有empty方法。 You can use map to ask each element of the series to return its empty attribute:您可以使用map要求系列的每个元素返回其empty属性:

from operator import attrgetter

A series of DataFrames?一系列数据帧?

You can check if a dataframe is empty with df.empty, so you could do您可以使用 df.empty 检查数据框是否为空,因此您可以这样做

serie[[not df.empty for df in serie]]

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