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[英]MongoAlchemy: One of two different DocumentField's

Using MongoAlchemy , is it possible to have a DocumentField that can be one of two types? 使用MongoAlchemy ,是否可以使DocumentField成为两种类型之一? Eg: 例如:

class A(Document):
    foo = StringField()

class B(Document):
    bar = StringField()

class C(Document):
    child = DocumentField(A or B)

I thought of a few options that might work: 我想到了一些可行的选择:

  • Give A and B a common parent and then do child = DocumentField(CommonParent) . AB一个共同的父母,然后让child = DocumentField(CommonParent)
  • Write a custom Field that overrides DocumentField , but changes the validator to search through a list of types, instead of one. 编写一个重写DocumentField的自定义Field ,但更改验证器以搜索类型列表,而不是一个。
  • Just use an AnythingField . 只需使用AnythingField Kinda defeats the point. 金达(Kinda)败露了这一点。

But wondered if it was already done? 但想知道它是否已经完成?

There was a branch that I never merged (although I did use it for a while) where I implemented polymorphic types: 有一个我从未合并过的分支(尽管我确实使用了一段时间)在其中实现了多态类型:

https://github.com/jeffjenkins/MongoAlchemy/tree/poly-queries https://github.com/jeffjenkins/MongoAlchemy/tree/poly-queries

If you're willing to do a bit of bug fixing that's a pretty good option. 如果您愿意做一些错误修复,那是一个不错的选择。

Otherwise the easiest thing to do is implement a custom field. 否则,最简单的方法是实现自定义字段。 I suspect it might be easier to create a regular field that took a list of DocumentField s as inputs and which could distinguish than to mess with DocumentField (which is sort of what the polymorphism branch does, but more complexly). 我怀疑创建一个以DocumentField的列表作为输入并且可以区分的常规字段可能比与DocumentField搞乱(这是多态分支的功能,但更复杂)更容易。

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