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[英]Verilog always inside a generate block is throwing error

I am trying to execute addition through using ripple carry adder using for loop and I wanted the operation to be performed only at posedge of clock. 我试图通过使用带有for循环的纹波进位加法器执行加法运算,我希望仅在时钟的posege上执行该操作。 For doing so, I have used a generate block and used for loop inside the generate block. 为此,我使用了一个generate块,并将其用于generate块内的循环。 If I use without always statement it would work fine, but when I add the always block it would result in error when simulating. 如果我不使用always语句,则可以正常工作,但是在添加always块时,在模拟时会导致错误。 Below is the code: 下面是代码:

genvar i;
    always @(posedge clk)
    for(i=0;i<=31;i=i+1) begin : generate_block         
        fulladd f1(.sum(sum[i]),.cin(cout1[i]),.a(b[i]),.b(temp[i]),.cout(cout1[i+1]));



Here fulladd is a different module. 这里fulladd是一个不同的模块。

Below is the error that I am getting when simulating: 以下是我在模拟时遇到的错误:

   Error-[IBLHS-CONST] Illegal behavioral left hand side
   add32.v, 36
   Constant Expression cannot be used on the left hand side of this assignment
   The offending expression is : i
   Source info: i = 0;

   Error-[IBLHS-CONST] Illegal behavioral left hand side
   add32.v, 36
   Constant Expression cannot be used on the left hand side of this assignment
   The offending expression is : i
   Source info: i = (i + 1);

   Error-[SE] Syntax error
   Following verilog source has syntax error :
   "add32.v", 37: token is '('

add32.v is the design module name. add32.v是设计模块名称。 I have used synopsis vcs. 我已经使用过概要vcs。 I am new to verilog programming, please explain the underlying concept which I have mistaken. 我是Verilog编程的新手,请解释一下我错误的基本概念。 Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Addition logic & registering signals should be treated separately. 加法逻辑和注册信号应分开处理。 Pull the relevant input & output signals from adder and register them separately at posedge. 从加法器中提取相关的输入和输出信号,并分别在posege处进行注册。

see this CLA adder implementation code for reference 请参阅此CLA加法器实现代码以供参考

I have implemented a generic ripple carry adder as below. 我已经实现了一个通用的纹波进位加法器,如下所示。

// ripple_carry_adder.v
// NOTE : I have registered the outputs only. Inputs are asynchronous. 

`timescale 1ns  / 10 ps
module ripple_carry_adder 
            #(  parameter COUNT = 32                  // width of RCA port
                    input  clk,rst,                 
                    input  Carry_in,            
                    input  [COUNT-1:0] A, B,
                    output reg [COUNT-1:0] Sum,
                    output Carry_out

reg [COUNT-1:0] Carry,Cout; 
assign Carry_out = Cout[COUNT-1];

always@(posedge clk or posedge rst)
    if (rst)
            Carry  = 'b0;
            Sum    = 'b0;
            Cout   = 'b0;
            Cout    = ((A & B) | ((A ^ B) & Carry));
            Sum     = (A ^ B ^ Carry);
            Carry   = {Cout[COUNT-1:1],Carry_in}; 

I don't see why you need an always block in this case. 我不明白为什么在这种情况下您需要始终阻止。 You would never instantiate anything at the posedge of a clock. 您永远不会在时钟的姿势上实例化任何东西。

The way I go about writing generate blocks is to first figure out what one instance (without the generate) would look like: 我编写generate块的方式是首先弄清楚一个实例(不包含generate)是什么样的:

fulladd f1(.sum(sum[0]),.cin(cout1[0]),.a(b[0]),.b(temp[0]),.cout(cout1[1]));

Then, to scale this to instantiate multiple instances of fulladd: 然后,进行缩放以实例化fulladd的多个实例:

genvar i;
for(i=0;i<=31;i=i+1) begin : generate_block         
  fulladd f1(.sum(sum[i]),.cin(cout1[i]),.a(b[i]),.b(temp[i]),.cout(cout1[i+1]));

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