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[英]Use Case Diagram - Actors

I need to create a Use Case diagram using the following scenario, this is all I have to work with so it should work according to this. 我需要使用以下场景创建一个用例图,这是我要做的全部工作,因此它应该根据此来工作。

My Actors are - Buyer, Seller and User (I think) 我的演员是-买方,卖方和用户(我认为)

Scenario 情境

The eAuction system allows multiple users to conduct auctions electronically. 电子拍卖系统允许多个用户以电子方式进行拍卖。 Once a user has setup an account, they are able to act as a seller and start an auction by listing an item to be sold. 用户设置帐户后,便可以充当卖家,并通过列出要出售的商品来开始拍卖。 They may also act as a buyer by browsing auctions that are in progress and bidding on any item whose auction has not closed. 他们还可以通过浏览进行中的拍卖并竞标尚未结束的任何项目来充当买家。 A user does not need to setup an account to simply browse auctions in progress. 用户无需设置帐户即可简单浏览正在进行的拍卖。

An auction is started when a seller inputs data including, a description of the item, the starting price, the reserve price and a date when the auction will close. 当卖方输入包括项目描述,起始价格,底价和拍卖结束日期在内的数据时,拍卖开始。 The system enforces an upper and lower bidding increment of 20% and 10% of the starting price respectively. 系统强制将起拍价的最高和最低出价分别提高20%和10%。 The system also enforces a closing date ≤ 7 days from the current date. 系统还强制要求截止日期距离当前日期≤7天。 Once the data has been input, the auction automatically becomes pending and the seller must verify the auction before it starts. 输入数据后,拍卖将自动变为待处理状态,卖方必须在开始拍卖之前对其进行验证。

When a user wants to make a bid against an item, they must first locate the auction in question by browsing the auctions that are in progress. 当用户想要对某个项目进行投标时,他们必须首先通过浏览进行中的拍卖来找到有问题的拍卖。 They may then make a bid that the system must check is within the upper and lower bidding increment amounts. 然后,他们可能会出价,系统必须检查该出价是否在上限和下限增量之内。 Each auction keeps track of every bid made against the item. 每次拍卖都会跟踪针对该物品的每次出价。 Once the auction closes the system checks to see if the item's reserve price has been met and if so, informs the buyer with the highest bid of their victory. 拍卖结束后,系统将检查是否已满足该项目的底价,如果已满足,则将出价最高的买家告知买家。 If the item's reserve price has not been met, the system informs every buyer who made a bid and the auction is closed. 如果未达到项目的底价,则系统会通知每个进行投标的买家,拍卖将结束。

Both sellers and auctions may be temporarily blocked which prevents the sellers from logging on or the auctions from being browsed or bid upon respectively. 卖方和拍卖都可能被暂时阻止,这阻止了卖方登录或分别浏览或竞标拍卖。

Yes, they are. 对,他们是。 An actor represents a role someone or something plays with respect to the system under consideration (SUC). 参与者代表某人或某事在考虑中的系统(SUC)中扮演的角色。 It does not matter on its physical representation. 它的物理表示形式无关紧要。 Anyone can act in any role towards the SUC. 任何人都可以对SUC扮演任何角色。 Restrictions, if any, can be expressed as constraints attached to the actors (eg { a Seller may not act as Buyer in the same UC} ). 限制(如果有的话)可以表示为参与者的约束(例如{ a Seller may not act as Buyer in the same UC} )。

There are quite a number of use cases. 有很多用例。 The first is Setup account which enables Auctioneer to start auctions. 第一个是Setup account ,该Setup account使Auctioneer可以开始拍卖。 He has List item for auction as next UC. 他的下一个UC拥有List item for auction And Buyer has Bid for listed item . BuyerBid for listed item I'm not sure about closing the auction. 我不确定要结束拍卖。 Maybe, if like on ebay, this is done by a Timer actor which has Close auction be performed after a certain time. 也许,就像在ebay上一样,这是由Timer演员完成的,该演员在一定时间后将进行Close auction Also not sure about the blocking condition. 也不确定阻塞条件。 This can be expresses as a constraint. 这可以表示为约束。 But there might as well be a Watcher actor who blocks users according to a rule set. 但是也可能有一个Watcher actor根据规则集阻止用户。 Just start by placing those UCs and the according actors on a UC diagram. 只需将这些UC和相应的参与者放置在UC图上即可。 Then start discussing with stakeholders about the completeness. 然后开始与利益相关者讨论完整性。 You will eventually find more actors and UCs. 您最终会发现更多的演员和UC。

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