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[英]Fortran read binary file from C#

I am trying to read a binary in fortran. 我正在尝试阅读fortran中的二进制文件。 The file is created in c#. 该文件在c#中创建。 In my example below it just stores to integer (4 byte I assume since the created file size is 8 byte): 在我的下面的例子中它只存储到整数(我假设4字节,因为创建的文件大小是8字节):

string binfile = @"c:\..\bindata.dat";
int nrecs = 60*60*24*61;
int nvalues = 34;

using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(binfile, FileMode.Create)))

The fortran code to read the data : 用于读取数据的fortran代码:

program TestFortran

    implicit none

    ! Variables
    character(*),parameter      ::  fn = "bindata.dat"
    integer                     ::  numMeas,numVals
    integer                     ::  infile,ios
    character(len=11)           ::   acc, seq, frm
    character(len=128)          ::  nam
    logical                     ::  ex,op
    integer                     :: irec, nr,p
    ! Body of TestFortran
    print *, 'Hello World'
    infile = 10
    open(unit = infile,file = fn,status='OLD',access='STREAM',FORM='UNFORMATTED',action='READ',iostat=ios)
      sequential= seq, form = frm, recl=irec, nextrec=nr,pos=p)
    read(infile,IOSTAT=ios)  numMeas
    read(infile,IOSTAT=ios)  numVals
99  close(infile)
    write(*,'(a,i8,a,i6)')  "Number of measurements = ", numMeas, ", and number of values in a measurement = ", numVals

end program TestFortran

The open and the inquire commands runs wihtout problem. openinquire命令运行没有问题。 In debug-mode it reports that after open ios is 0 and after inquire acc = 'STREAM', ex = .true., frm='UNFORMATTED', irec = -1, nam is the full path to the file, nr = 0, op = .true., p = 1 and seq = 'YES'. 在调试模式下,它报告在open ios为0并且在inquire acc ='STREAM'之后,ex = .true。,frm ='UNFORMATTED',irec = -1,nam是文件的完整路径,nr = 0 ,op = .true。,p = 1和seq ='YES'。

when I run the first read statement ios = -1 indicating end-of-file and numMeas is not set to anything, same goes for read statement 2. 当我运行第一个读语句ios = -1表示文件结束而numMeas没有设置为任何东西时,读语句2也是如此。

Does anyone knows what is wrong here? 谁有人知道这里有什么问题? Every hint is much appreciated. 每个提示都非常感激。 I have tried to search for hints but haven't succeded in finding out what's going wrong... 我试图寻找提示,但没有成功找出出了什么问题......

so stupid of me... During debugging I had first tried without all the verifications, iostats, inquire etc.. I had also not included the status='OLD' in the open statement, whereby a 0 sized file had been created in the ../../ (base project folder) and not where I thought it should have been (in the /TestFortran/Debug/ directory ). 我这么傻......在调试过程中,我第一次尝试没有所有的验证,iostats,查询等等。我还没有在open语句中包含status='OLD' ,因此在那里创建了一个0大小的文件../../ (基础项目文件夹)而不是我认为应该在的地方(在/TestFortran/Debug/目录中)。 Sorry guys for using your time in vain. 对不起,你们白白浪费时间。 But thanks for your quick responses. 但感谢您的快速回复。

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