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[英]In Python, how would you check if a number is one of the integer types?

In Python, how could you check if the type of a number is an integer without checking each integer type, ie, 'int' , 'numpy.int32' , or 'numpy.int64' ? 在Python中,如何在不检查每个整数类型的情况下检查数字的类型是否为整数,即'int''numpy.int32''numpy.int64'

I thought to try if int(val) == val but this does not work when a float is set to an integer value (not type). 我想尝试if int(val) == val但是当float设置为整数值(而不是type)时,这不起作用。

In [1]: vals = [3, np.ones(1, dtype=np.int32)[0], np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int64)[0], np.ones(1)[0]]
In [2]: for val in vals:
   ...:     print(type(val))
   ...:     if int(val) == val: 
   ...:         print('{} is an int'.format(val))
<class 'int'>
3 is an int
<class 'numpy.int32'>
1 is an int
<class 'numpy.int64'>
0 is an int
<class 'numpy.float64'>
1.0 is an int

I want to filter out the last value, which is a numpy.float64 . 我想过滤掉最后一个值,即numpy.float64

You can use isinstance with a tuple argument containing the types of interest. 您可以将isinstance与包含感兴趣类型的元组参数一起使用。

To capture all python and numpy integer types use: 要捕获所有python和numpy整数类型,请使用:

isinstance(value, (int, np.integer))

Here is an example showing the results for several data types: 以下示例显示了几种数据类型的结果:

vals = [3, np.int32(2), np.int64(1), np.float64(0)]
[(e, type(e), isinstance(e, (int, np.integer))) for e in vals]

Result: 结果:

[(3, <type 'int'>, True), 
 (2, <type 'numpy.int32'>, True), 
 (1, <type 'numpy.int64'>, True), 
 (0.0, <type 'numpy.float64'>, False)]

A second example which is true only for int and int64: 第二个例子,仅适用于int和int64:

[(e, type(e), isinstance(e, (int, np.int64))) for e in vals]

Result: 结果:

[(3, <type 'int'>, True), 
(1, <type 'numpy.int32'>, False), 
(0, <type 'numpy.int64'>, True), 
(0.0, <type 'numpy.float64'>, False)]

Use np.issubdtype : 使用np.issubdtype

for val in vals:
    if isinstance(val, int) or np.issubdtype(val, np.int):
        print('{} is an int'.format(val))

In addition to the accepted answer, the standard library also provides the numbers module, which defines abstract classes for numerical types that can be used with isinstance : 除了接受的答案之外,标准库还提供了numbers模块,它定义了可以与isinstance一起使用的数字类型的抽象类:

isinstance(value, numbers.Integral)

This can be used to recognize both Python's int as well as NumPy's np.int64 . 这可用于识别Python的int以及NumPy的np.int64


isinstance(value, (int, np.integer))

你也可以使用duck typing:

hasattr(val, "denominator") && val.denominator == 1

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