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[英]Print two arrays side by side using numpy

I'm trying to create a table of cosines using numpy in python.我正在尝试在 python 中使用 numpy 创建一个余弦表。 I want to have the angle next to the cosine of the angle, so it looks something like this:我想在角度的余弦旁边有角度,所以它看起来像这样:

0.0    1.000  5.0    0.996  10.0    0.985  15.0 0.966
20.0   0.940  25.0   0.906 and so on. 

I'm trying to do it using a for loop but I'm not sure how to get this to work.我正在尝试使用 for 循环来做到这一点,但我不确定如何让它发挥作用。 Currently, I have目前,我有. .

Any suggestions?有什么建议吗?

Let's say you have:假设你有:

>>> d = np.linspace(0, 360, 10, endpoint=False)
>>> c = np.cos(np.radians(d))

If you don't mind having some brackets and such on the side, then you can simply concatenate column-wise using np.c_ , and display:如果您不介意旁边有一些括号等,那么您可以简单地使用np.c_列连接,并显示:

>>> print(np.c_[d, c])
[[  0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00]
 [  3.60000000e+01   8.09016994e-01]
 [  7.20000000e+01   3.09016994e-01]
 [  1.08000000e+02  -3.09016994e-01]
 [  1.44000000e+02  -8.09016994e-01]
 [  1.80000000e+02  -1.00000000e+00]
 [  2.16000000e+02  -8.09016994e-01]
 [  2.52000000e+02  -3.09016994e-01]
 [  2.88000000e+02   3.09016994e-01]
 [  3.24000000e+02   8.09016994e-01]]

But if you care about removing them, one possibility is to use a simple regex:但是如果你关心删除它们,一种可能性是使用一个简单的正则表达式:

>>> import re
>>> print(re.sub(r' *\n *', '\n',
                 np.array_str(np.c_[d, c]).replace('[', '').replace(']', '').strip()))
0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00
3.60000000e+01   8.09016994e-01
7.20000000e+01   3.09016994e-01
1.08000000e+02  -3.09016994e-01
1.44000000e+02  -8.09016994e-01
1.80000000e+02  -1.00000000e+00
2.16000000e+02  -8.09016994e-01
2.52000000e+02  -3.09016994e-01
2.88000000e+02   3.09016994e-01
3.24000000e+02   8.09016994e-01

I'm removing the brackets, and then passing it to the regex to remove the spaces on either side in each line.我正在删除括号,然后将其传递给正则表达式以删除每行中任一侧的空格。

np.array_str also lets you set the precision. np.array_str还可以让您设置精度。 For more control, you can use np.array2string instead.如需更多控制,您可以使用np.array2string代替。

You can use python's zip function to go through the elements of both lists simultaneously.您可以使用 python 的zip函数同时浏览两个列表的元素。

import numpy as np
degreesVector = np.linspace(0.0, 360.0, 73.0)
cosinesVector = np.cos(np.radians(degreesVector))
for d, c in zip(degreesVector, cosinesVector):
    print d, c

And if you want to make a numpy array out of the degrees and cosine values, you can modify the for loop in this way:如果你想用度数和余弦值创建一个 numpy 数组,你可以这样修改for循环:

table = []
for d, c in zip(degreesVector, cosinesVector):
    table.append([d, c])
table = np.array(table)

And now on one line!现在在一条线上!

np.array([[d, c] for d, c in zip(degreesVector, cosinesVector)])

Pandas is very convenient module for such tasks: Pandas 是用于此类任务的非常方便的模块:

In [174]: import pandas as pd
     ...: x = pd.DataFrame({'angle': np.linspace(0, 355, 355//5+1),
     ...:                   'cos': np.cos(np.deg2rad(np.linspace(0, 355, 355//5+1)))})
     ...: pd.options.display.max_rows = 20
     ...: x
    angle       cos
0     0.0  1.000000
1     5.0  0.996195
2    10.0  0.984808
3    15.0  0.965926
4    20.0  0.939693
5    25.0  0.906308
6    30.0  0.866025
7    35.0  0.819152
8    40.0  0.766044
9    45.0  0.707107
..    ...       ...
62  310.0  0.642788
63  315.0  0.707107
64  320.0  0.766044
65  325.0  0.819152
66  330.0  0.866025
67  335.0  0.906308
68  340.0  0.939693
69  345.0  0.965926
70  350.0  0.984808
71  355.0  0.996195

[72 rows x 2 columns]

Side-by-Side Array Comparison using Numpy使用 Numpy 进行并排数组比较

A built-in Numpy approach using the column_stack((...)) method.使用column_stack((...))方法的内置 Numpy 方法。

numpy.column_stack((A, B)) is a column stack with Numpy which allows you to compare two or more matrices/arrays. numpy.column_stack((A, B))是一个带有 Numpy 的列堆栈,它允许您比较两个或多个矩阵/数组。

Use the numpy.column_stack((A, B)) method with a tuple.numpy.column_stack((A, B))方法与元组一起使用。 The tuple must be represented with () parenthesizes representing a single argument with as many matrices/arrays as you want .元组必须用()括号表示,该括号表示具有任意数量的矩阵/数组的单个参数。

import numpy as np

A = np.random.uniform(size=(10,1))
B = np.random.uniform(size=(10,1))
C = np.random.uniform(size=(10,1))

np.column_stack((A, B, C)) ## <-- Compare Side-by-Side

The result looks like this:结果如下所示:

array([[0.40323596, 0.95947336, 0.21354263],
       [0.18001121, 0.35467198, 0.47653884],
       [0.12756083, 0.24272134, 0.97832504],
       [0.95769626, 0.33855075, 0.76510239],
       [0.45280595, 0.33575171, 0.74295859],
       [0.87895151, 0.43396391, 0.27123183],
       [0.17721346, 0.06578044, 0.53619146],
       [0.71395251, 0.03525021, 0.01544952],
       [0.19048783, 0.16578012, 0.69430883],
       [0.08897691, 0.41104408, 0.58484384]])

Numpy column_stack is useful for AI/ML applications when comparing the predicted results with the expected answers.将预测结果与预期答案进行比较时,Numpy column_stack对于 AI/ML 应用程序很有用。 This determines the effectiveness of the Neural Net training.这决定了神经网络训练的有效性。 It is a quick way to detect where errors are in the network calculations.这是一种检测网络计算中错误位置的快速方法。

You were close - but if you iterate over angles, just generate the cosine for that angle:你很接近 - 但如果你迭代角度,只需生成该角度的cosine

In [293]: for angle in range(0,60,10):
     ...:     print('{0:8}{1:8.3f}'.format(angle, np.cos(np.radians(angle))))
       0   1.000
      10   0.985
      20   0.940
      30   0.866
      40   0.766
      50   0.643

To work with arrays, you have lots of options:要使用数组,您有很多选择:

In [294]: angles=np.linspace(0,60,7)
In [295]: cosines=np.cos(np.radians(angles))

iterate over an index:迭代索引:

In [297]: for i in range(angles.shape[0]):
     ...:     print('{0:8}{1:8.3f}'.format(angles[i],cosines[i]))

Use zip to dish out the values 2 by 2:使用zip将值 2 乘以 2:

for a,c in zip(angles, cosines):

A slight variant on that:一个轻微的变化:

for ac in zip(angles, cosines):

You could concatenate the arrays together into a 2d array, and display that:您可以将数组连接到一个二维数组中,并显示:

In [302]: np.vstack((angles, cosines)).T
array([[  0.        ,   1.        ],
       [ 10.        ,   0.98480775],
       [ 20.        ,   0.93969262],
       [ 30.        ,   0.8660254 ],
       [ 40.        ,   0.76604444],
       [ 50.        ,   0.64278761],
       [ 60.        ,   0.5       ]])

In [318]: print(np.vstack((angles, cosines)).T)
[[  0.           1.        ]
 [ 10.           0.98480775]
 [ 20.           0.93969262]
 [ 30.           0.8660254 ]
 [ 40.           0.76604444]
 [ 50.           0.64278761]
 [ 60.           0.5       ]]

np.column_stack can do that without the transpose. np.column_stack可以在没有转置的情况下做到这一点。

And you can pass that array to your formatting with:您可以将该数组传递给您的格式:

for ac in np.vstack((angles, cosines)).T:

or you could write that to a csv style file with savetxt (which just iterates over the 'rows' of the 2d array and writes with fmt ):或者您可以使用savetxt将其写入csv样式文件(它只是遍历二维数组的“行”并使用fmt写入):

In [310]: np.savetxt('test.txt', np.vstack((angles, cosines)).T, fmt='%8.1f  %8.3f')
In [311]: cat test.txt
     0.0     1.000
    10.0     0.985
    20.0     0.940
    30.0     0.866
    40.0     0.766
    50.0     0.643
    60.0     0.500

Unfortunately savetxt requires the old style formatting.不幸的是, savetxt需要旧式格式。 And trying to write to sys.stdout runs into byte v unicode string issues in Py3.尝试写入sys.stdout在 Py3 中遇到 byte v unicode 字符串问题。

Just in numpy with some format ideas, to use @MaxU 's syntax只是在有一些格式想法的 numpy 中,使用 @MaxU 的语法

a = np.array([[i, np.cos(np.deg2rad(i)), np.sin(np.deg2rad(i))]
               for i in range(0,361,30)])
args = ["Angle", "Cos", "Sin"]
frmt = ("{:>8.0f}"+"{:>8.3f}"*2)
for i in a:
 Angle    Cos     Sin   
       0   1.000   0.000
      30   0.866   0.500
      60   0.500   0.866
      90   0.000   1.000
     120  -0.500   0.866
     150  -0.866   0.500
     180  -1.000   0.000
     210  -0.866  -0.500
     240  -0.500  -0.866
     270  -0.000  -1.000
     300   0.500  -0.866
     330   0.866  -0.500
     360   1.000  -0.000

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