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[英]How to access data index in CoreData using Swift3

I saved datas in entity of CoreData. 我在CoreData.实体中保存了数据CoreData. Also I can access data in CoreData through object.value(forKey:"attribute") . 我也可以通过object.value(forKey:"attribute")访问CoreData中的数据。 But, I don't know how to access data using index. 但是,我不知道如何使用索引访问数据。

follow code is my access way 遵循代码是我的访问方式

    let context = getContext()
    let fetchRequest : NSFetchRequest<Entity> = Entity.fetchRequest()
    let result = try? context.fetch(fetchRequest){
       for object in result

How to access data in CoreData using index of data? 如何使用数据索引访问CoreData中的数据?

Your result is type of Array so you can access the object from result like result[0] and so on. 您的结果是Array类型,因此您可以从result[0]result[0]访问该对象。

if index < result.count {
    let obj = result[index]

If you want index from object, you can use index(of:) for that. 如果你想从对象索引,你可以使用index(of:)

if let index = result.index(of: obj) {

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