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[英]BASH: How to print CSV file out with column headers as separate lines

I have a 2-line CSV file. 我有一个2行CSV文件。 1 line is the header, one line is the data. 标题是1行,数据是1行。 This was pulled from an asset database while looking for data for just one asset. 这是从资产数据库中提取的,而仅查找一项资产的数据。 However, please note that the CSV file could conceivably contain more than just 2 lines. 但是,请注意,CSV文件可能包含不止2行。

I need to take the CSV (example below) and print each header entry on a separate line, with the matching data entry on the same line. 我需要采用CSV(以下示例)并将每个标头条目打印在单独的行上,并将匹配的数据条目打印在同一行上。

Sample CSV data 样本CSV数据


Sample output 样品输出

head1   data1
head2   data2
head3   data3
head4   data4

How can this be done simply? 如何简单地做到这一点?


    while { read -r line1; read -r line2; } do
       IFS=', ' read -r -a array1 <<< "$line1"
       IFS=', ' read -r -a array2 <<< "$line2"

       for index in "${!array1[@]}"
           echo "${array1[index]} ${array2[index]}"
    done < $1

Edited my previous answer. 编辑了我以前的答案。 By nesting loops it handles more than two lines and multiple columns. 通过嵌套循环,它可以处理多于两行和多列。


while IFS=", " read a b c d e f g h;do echo -e "$a\t$e\n$b\t$f\n$c\t$g\n$d\t$h";done <<< $(echo $(<data.csv) )

Given that I wanted to read in from a file, I did not like the idea of output to another file which I would later have to clean up, hence I went with an associative array, which is available in BASH v4 and up only with builtin command declare -A 鉴于我想从文件中读取内容,我不喜欢将输出输出到另一个文件的想法,以后我必须清理它,因此我选择了一个关联数组,该数组在BASH v4中可用,仅在内置时才可用命令declare -A

This will not work in BASH v3 or lower as -A is not a valid flag to the declare builtin. 这在BASH v3或更低版本中将不起作用,因为-A对内置declare的有效标志无效。

Since there are known to only be 2 lines in this file, this is a fairly ugly solution that works well. 由于已知此文件中只有两行,因此这是一个非常丑陋的解决方案,效果很好。 It could be modified to accommodate additional lines, by adding a nested for loop within the final for loop however then you could run into other issues with line width and line wrapping, upon output. 通过在最终的for循环中添加嵌套的for循环,可以对其进行修改以容纳其他行,但是在输出时,您可能还会遇到其他有关线宽和换行的问题。

NF=$(awk -F, 'NR==1{print NF}' temp.txt)
declare -A temparray
for ((i=1;i<=$NF;++i))
    temparray[0,$i]+="$(awk -v VAR=$i -F, 'NR==1{print $VAR}' temp.txt)"
for ((i=1;i<=$NF;++i))
    temparray[1,$i]+="$(awk -v VAR=$i -F, 'NR==2{print $VAR}' temp.txt)"
for ((i=1;i<=$NF;++i))
    printf "%-45s %s\n" "${temparray[0,$i]}" "${temparray[1,$i]}"
unset temparray

Using bash, this works only if you what two lines. 使用bash,这仅在您使用两行时有效。


while read line;do echo ${line//,/\\n} > file$n ; let n++;done < L

paste file0 file1
head1   data1
head2   data2
head3   data3
head4   data4

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