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[英]file upload using Vapor

I can't find any example of handling file upload, especially how to save into some specific folder. 我找不到处理文件上传的任何示例,尤其是如何保存到特定文件夹中。

Here is the code, addVideo is a HTTP POST multipart/form-data: 这是代码,addVideo是HTTP POST multipart / form-data:

videos.post("addVideo") { req in

    // need to save req.multipart["video"] into /data/videos/

    return try JSON(node: ["status": 0, "message": "success"])

example look like this: 示例如下:

vapor 2.0 server code: vapor 2.0服务器代码:

let d =drop.grouped("file");
d.post("updateFile") { req in
  let data = Data.init(bytes: (req.data["image"]?.bytes)!)
  let picName = req.data["name"]?.string ?? String();
  try Data(data).write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/xx/Desktop/\(picName).jpg"))
  return try JSON(node: ["status": 0, "message": "success"])

Client code: 客户代码:

Alamofire.upload(multipartFormData: { (multipartFormData) in

        multipartFormData.append(imageData!, withName: "image", fileName: "pic", mimeType:"image/jpg")

        multipartFormData.append("picName".data(using: .utf8)!, withName: "name")

    }, to: "") { (encodingResult) in

        switch encodingResult {
        case .success(let upload, _, _):
            upload.responseJSON { response in
        case .failure(let encodingError):

From your Multipart.File get the Bytes and convert to Data . 从您的Multipart.File获取Bytes并转换为Data

guard let file = request.multipart?["video"]?.file else {
  return "Not found"
try Data(file.data).write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/data/videos/FILENAME"))

You can get FILENAME from the File object or make your own. 您可以从File对象获取FILENAME或创建自己的File

While other answers explained how to save data as file, the following code shows how to save data as database blob: 其他答案解释了如何将数据另存为文件时,以下代码显示了如何将数据另存为数据库blob:

    let name = request.data["filename"]?.string, 
    let blob = request.data["file"]?.bytes
else {
    throw Abort(.badRequest, reason: "Fields 'filename' and/or 'file' is invalid")
let user = try request.user()
let image = try Image(filename: name, user: user, file: blob)
try image.save()

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