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使用PostgreSQL在Vapor 3中上传图像

[英]Image Upload in Vapor 3 using PostgreSQL

I'm following this guys Martin Lasek Tutorials and now i'm at "image upload". 我正在关注这些家伙Martin Lasek Tutorials,现在我正在“图片上传”。 It seems that no one has the answer to the question "How do you upload images i Vapor 3" 似乎没人能回答“如何上传i Vapor 3图像”的问题

Db connection is ok, all the other values are saved. Db连接正常,所有其他值都保存。

This is mye create method: 这是我的创建方法:

    func create(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<Response> {

    return try req.content.decode(Question.self).flatMap { question in
        return question.save(on: req).map { _ in

            return req.redirect(to: "/form")

and Model: 和型号:

final class Question: PostgreSQLModel {

var id: Int?
var questionText: String
var answers: [String]
var theme: String?
var imageName: String?
var imageData: File?

init(id: Int? = nil, questionText: String, answers: [String], theme: String, imageName: String?, imageData: File?) {

    self.id = id
    self.questionText = questionText
    self.answers = answers
    self.theme = theme
    self.imageName = imageName
    self.imageData = imageData

} }

and Leaf template: 和叶子模板:

<form action="/save" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="upload-form">
<input type="file" accept="image/png,image/jpg" name="image">
<input class="btn btn-success btn-block" type="submit" value="Legg til">

I know a method for managing files is needed and the raw image bytes to, 我知道需要一种管理文件的方法和原始图像字节,

But how do i get there? 但是我怎么去那里?

This uses automatic decoding of the multi-part form: 这使用多部分表单的自动解码:

router.get("upload") {
    request -> Future<View> in
    return try request.view().render("upload")

struct ExampleUpload: Content {
    let document: File

// this saves the file into a Question
router.post(ExampleUpload.self, at:"upload") {
    request, upload -> Future<HTTPResponseStatus> in
    let question = try Question()
    question.imageData = upload.document.data
    question.imageName = upload.document.filename
    return question.save(on:request).transform(to: HTTPResponseStatus.ok)

The upload.leaf file is: upload.leaf文件是:

<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="document" />
<input type="submit" value="Send" />

Using the type File enables the local filename of the uploaded file to be accessed as well as the file data. 使用File类型可以访问上载文件的本地文件名以及文件数据。 If you add in the rest of the Question fields to the ExampleUpload structure, you can use the route to capture the whole form's fields. 如果将其余的Question字段添加到ExampleUpload结构中,则可以使用该路径捕获整个表单的字段。

I've managed to get the image data by doing this: 我设法通过这样做获取图像数据:

struct ImageRequest: Content {
    var imageData: Data

func analyizeImage(_ request: Request) throws -> Future<Response> {
    return try request.content.decode(ImageRequest.self).flatMap(to: Response.self, { [weak self] imageRequest in
        guard let image = NSImage(data: imageRequest.imageData) else {
            throw Abort(.badRequest)

        // Do what you want with your image

My form looked like this: 我的表格看起来像这样:

<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="imageData" />
    <input type="submit" value="Send" />

In order for req.content.decode(Question.self) to work, your model have to conforms to the Content protocol which is Vapor encapsulation of Codable + other encoding/decoding stuff. 为了使req.content.decode(Question.self)能够工作,你的模型必须符合Content协议,即Codable +其他编码/解码内容的Vapor封装。

Did you add it to your Question model? 你有没有把它添加到你的Question模型中?

something like that: 类似的东西:

extension Question: Content {}

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