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Drupal 7 Ubercart-对与送货/开票地址有关的条件征税。 如何配置?

[英]Drupal 7 Ubercart - taxes conditions related to delivering/billing address. How to configure?

I tried to set conditions into tax, but when open the conditions section and making condition it doesn't have finished result 我试图将条件设置为税收,但是当打开条件部分并设置条件时,它还没有完成结果

  1. Taxes list 税收清单 在此处输入图片说明

  2. Opened conditions section of the tax 税收的开放条件部分 在此处输入图片说明

  3. Choosing of condition, and i have note here: I don't see needed conditions, only country conditions 选择条件,我在这里注意:我没有看到所需条件,只有国家条件 在此处输入图片说明

  4. Then I tried to choose the details of condition 然后我尝试选择条件的细节 在此处输入图片说明

And when i try to add order:uc-addresses-delivery-address: I see the user: option and then I have an eternal loop again and again between uc-addresses-default-shipping-address and user 当我尝试添加order:uc-addresses-delivery-address时:我看到了user:选项,然后在uc-addresses-default-shipping-addressuser之间一次又一次的永恒循环

  1. Any trying to save this gives the error: Data selector order:uc-addresses-delivery-address:user:uc-addresses-default-shipping-address:user:uc-addresses-default-shipping-address:user:uc-addresses-default-shipping-address: for parameter order is invalid. 任何尝试保存的操作都会产生错误:数据选择器顺序:uc-addresses-delivery-address:user:uc-addresses-default-shipping-address:user:uc-addresses-default-shipping-address:user:uc-addresses -default-shipping-address:对于参数顺序无效。

What i need to do for the taxes address(state/province) condition? 我需要为税务地址(州/省)条件做什么? Many thanks in advance! 提前谢谢了!

The solution is here: 解决方案在这里:

1) Add the condition, choose Data comparizon 1)添加条件,选择数据比较 在此处输入图片说明

2) Type order:billing-address:zone or choose these items in list and Continue creation 2)输入order:billing-address:zone或在列表中选择这些项目并继续创建 在此处输入图片说明

3) Choose needed Region/State/Province 3)选择所需的地区/州/省 在此处输入图片说明

4) Then save it. 4)然后保存。 Done! 做完了!

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