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Haskell无法将期望的类型“ Double”与实际类型“ Int”匹配

[英]Haskell Couldn't match expected type ‘Double’ with actual type ‘Int’

This is the code of my program: 这是我程序的代码:

funct :: Double -> Double
funct x = 3/(x^2+1)

zetaRange :: (Int, Int) -> [Double]
zetaRange (x,y) = [ 0.01 * funct n | n <- [x..y] ]

and error, which I'm getting: 和错误,我得到:

Couldn't match expected type 'Double' with actual type 'Int' 无法将预期的类型“ Double”与实际类型“ Int”匹配

In the first argument of 'funct', namely 'n' 在“ funct”的第一个参数中,即“ n”

In the second argument of '(*)', namely 'funct n' 在'(*)'的第二个参数中,即'funct n'

I really newbie to haskell, so trying to fix this error wasn't successful. 我真的是Haskell的新手,因此尝试修复此错误并不成功。 funct is returning Double, so I can't understand why error says that it's actual type is Int. funct返回Double,所以我不明白为什么错误说明它的实际类型是Int。 Please, help! 请帮忙!

您需要将Int n转换为Double

zetaRange (x,y) = [ 0.01 * funct (fromIntegral n) | n <- [x..y] ]


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