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无法匹配预期类型 [Int] Haskell

[英]Couldn't match expected type [Int] Haskell

I am new to Haskell so I don't quite understand most of its errors.我是 Haskell 的新手,所以我不太了解它的大部分错误。 I have encountered an error trying to make a higher order function that uses foldl() to read a list and then multiply it by 2 (it automatically reverses it) and I use another another foldl() just to read it, in so reversing it to its original order.我在尝试创建更高阶 function 时遇到错误,它使用foldl()读取列表,然后将其乘以 2(它会自动反转它),我使用另一个foldl()只是为了读取它,所以反转它到原来的顺序。

I would be thankful for any help I receive.我会感谢我收到的任何帮助。

here's the error这是错误

 • Couldn't match expected type ‘[Int]’
                  with actual type ‘t0 Integer -> [Integer]’
    • Probable cause: ‘foldl’ is applied to too few arguments
      In the first argument of ‘reverses’, namely
        ‘(foldl (\ acc x -> (2 * x) : acc) [])’
      In the expression: reverses (foldl (\ acc x -> (2 * x) : acc) [])
      In an equation for ‘multthr’:
          multthr = reverses (foldl (\ acc x -> (2 * x) : acc) [])
16 | multthr = reverses(foldl(\acc x-> (2*x):acc)[])
   |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

here's the source code这是源代码

reverses::[Int] ->[Int]
reverses = foldl(\acc x-> x:acc)[]

multthr = reverses(foldl(\acc x-> (2*x):acc)[]) 

You need to compose your two foldl's with (.) , instead of applying one to the other:您需要用(.)组合您的两个 foldl,而不是将一个应用于另一个:

reverses :: [a] -> [a]
reverses = foldl (\acc x-> x:acc) []

---- multthr :: [Int] -> ([Int] -> [Int])  -- why??
multthr :: [Int] -> [Int]
---- multthr = reverses (foldl(\acc x-> (2*x):acc)[])  -- causes error
multthr = reverses . foldl (\acc x-> (2*x):acc) [] 

so that we have所以我们有

> multthr [1..5]
it :: [Int]

(.) is the functional composition, defined as (f. g) x = f (gx) . (.)是函数组成,定义为(f. g) x = f (gx)

Instead of doing the two foldl 's you can do one foldr ,而不是做两个foldl你可以做一个foldr ,

mult2 = foldr (\x r -> (2*x) : r) []

but then this is nothing else but, simply, map (2*) .但这只是简单的map (2*)

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