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[英]Arrow functions bound at definition time

I'm learning es6 arrow functions, how I can get this test to pass? 我正在学习es6箭头功能,如何使此测试通过?

describe('arrow functions have lexical `this`, no dynamic `this`', () => {

it('bound at definition time, use `=>` ', function() {
    var bound = new LexicallyBound();
    var fn = () => getFunction();

    assert.strictEqual(fn(), bound);

Since the function returned by getFunction doesn't do anything to demonstrate that it closes over this , I don't think it's of any use to use you here. 由于getFunction返回的函数没有做任何事情来证明它已关闭this函数,因此我认为在这里使用它没有任何用处。

If the goal is to prove that arrow functions are lexically bound (that is, that they close over this ), then: 如果目标是证明箭头函数是按词法绑定的(也就是说,它们在this关闭),则:

it('is lexically bound', function() {
    const obj = {
        arrow: () => {
            return this;
    assert.strictEqual(obj.arrow(), this);

If arrow didn't close over this , it would return obj , not the current value of this in that callback. 如果arrow没有关闭this ,它将返回obj ,而不是该回调中this的当前值。

Example: 例:

 function it(label, test) { try { test(); console.log(label, "OK"); } catch (e) { console.log(label, "FAILED", e.message); } } const assert = { strictEqual(a, b) { if (a !== b) { throw new Error("a == b was false"); } } }; it('Arrow function is lexically bound', function() { const obj = { arrow: () => { return this; } }; assert.strictEqual(obj.arrow(), this); }); it('Non-arrow function is not lexically bound', function() { const obj = { nonarrow: function() { return this; } }; assert.strictEqual(obj.nonarrow(), obj); }); 

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