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mobx 的 `action.bound` 和 class 函数上的箭头函数之间的区别?

[英]Difference between mobx's `action.bound` and arrow functions on class functions?

Using arrow functions on a class with babel transpiles it so the definition is bound in the constructor.在带有 babel 的 class 上使用箭头函数将其转译,因此定义绑定在构造函数中。 And so it is not in the prototype and it is not available via super when inheriting.因此它不在原型中,并且在继承时不能通过super获得。 It is also not as efficient when scaling by creating many instances.通过创建许多实例进行扩展时,它的效率也不高。

There are more blog posts on this topic, but I just wanted to know the difference in how mobx.action.bound is handled compared to arrow functions when using babel.关于这个主题的博客文章比较多,但我只是想知道在使用 babel 时,与箭头函数相比,mobx.action.bound 的处理方式有何不同。

Comparing the two:比较两者:

class Example {
   test = () => {

class Example {
   test() {

There are 2 variables @action and @action.bound have an effect on: @action@action.bound有2个变量对@action @action.bound产生影响:

  1. Binding : How this is bound in the resulting function. 绑定 :如何this在产生的功能绑定。
  2. Prototype : If the resulting function is in the prototype. 原型 :如果生成的函数在原型中。

To summarize, these are the rules: 总而言之,这些是规则:

  • @action preserves the original function's binding and prototype-inclusion. @action保留原始函数的绑定和原型包含。 If the original function is not bound, the result will not be, and vise versa. 如果原始函数未绑定,则结果不会,反之亦然。 And if the original function is not in the prototype, the result will not be, and vise versa. 如果原始函数不在原型中,结果将不会,反之亦然。
  • @action.bound will always result in a function which is bound, and which is in the prototype. @action.bound将始终生成一个绑定的函数,该函数位于原型中。

How Binding is affected: 绑定如何受到影响:

You can easily test this like so: 您可以像这样轻松测试:

class Store {
  unbound() {
    console.log('unbound', this)

  arrow = () => {
    console.log('arrow', this)
const storeInstance = new Store()
const unbound = storeInstance.unbound
const arrow = storeInstance.arrow
// console displays:
// unbound undefined
// arrow Store

Now let's try adding @action : 现在让我们尝试添加@action

class Store {
  unbound() {
    console.log('unbound', this)

  arrow = () => {
    console.log('arrow', this)
const storeInstance = new Store()
const unbound = storeInstance.unbound
const arrow = storeInstance.arrow
// console still displays:
// unbound undefined
// arrow Store

Now let's try adding @action.bound : 现在让我们尝试添加@action.bound

class Store {
  unbound() {
    console.log('unbound', this)

  arrow = () => {
    console.log('arrow', this)
const storeInstance = new Store()
const unbound = storeInstance.unbound
const arrow = storeInstance.arrow
// console now displays:
// unbound Store
// arrow Store

As you can see, @action maintains the function's bindings (or lack of binding). 如您所见, @action维护函数的绑定(或缺少绑定)。 Meanwhile, @action.bound will always return a bound function, thus turning an unbound function into a bound one, and an already bound function will remain bounded. 同时, @action.bound将始终返回绑定函数,从而将未绑定函数转换为绑定函数,并且已绑定函数将保持有界。

How prototype is affected: 原型如何受到影响:

As for your concern about inheritance, here is the Store definition: 至于您对继承的关注,这里是Store定义:

class Store {
  unbound() {}
  arrow = () => {}
  @action unboundAction() {}
  @action.bound unboundActionBound() {}
  @action arrowAction = () => {}      
  @action.bound arrowActionBound = () => {}

And this is what the storeInstance looks like: 这就是storeInstance的样子: 在此输入图像描述

As you pointed out, arrow = () => {} is not part of the prototype. 正如您所指出的, arrow = () => {}不是原型的一部分。 And to answer your question, @action arrow = () => {} will not result in a function which is in the prototype. 要回答你的问题, @action arrow = () => {}将不会产生原型中的函数。 It looks like @action preserves the previous behavior. 看起来@action保留了以前的行为。 However, @action.bound will always result in a function which is in the prototype. 但是, @action.bound将始终生成原型中的函数。

and now it is also good described in manual )现在它在手册中也有很好的描述)

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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