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[英]How to pivot a pandas dataframe using a modified index?

I have a timeseries dataframe of the form: 我有一个表格的时间序列数据框:

rng = pd.date_range('1/1/2013', periods=1000, freq='10min')
ts = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(rng)), index=rng)
ts = ts.to_frame(name=None)

I need to do two things to it: 我需要做两件事:

Step 1: Modify the index, so that every day starts at 17:00:00 of the day before. 步骤1:修改索引,以便每天从前一天的17:00:00开始。 I do this using: 我这样做使用:

ts.index = pd.to_datetime(ts.index.values + np.where((ts.index.time >= datetime.time(17)), pd.offsets.Day(1).nanos, 0))

Step 2: Pivot the dataframe, like this: 第2步:透视数据框,如下所示:

ts_ = pd.pivot_table(ts, index=ts.index.date, columns=ts.index.time, values=0)

The problem I have, is that when pivoting the dataframe, pandas seems to forget the modification of index I made in Step 1. 我遇到的问题是,在转动数据帧时,pandas似乎忘记了在步骤1中对索引I的修改。

This is what I get 这就是我得到的

             00:00:00    00:10:00    00:20:00   ...  23:50:00
2013-01-10  -1.800381   -0.459226   -0.172929   ... -1.000381
2013-01-11  -1.258317   -0.973924    0.955224   ...  0.072929
2013-01-12  -0.834976    0.018793   -0.141608   ...  2.072929
2013-01-13  -0.131197    0.289998    2.200644   ...  1.589998
2013-01-14  -0.991653    0.276874   -1.390654   ... -2.090654

Instead this is the desired outcome 相反,这是理想的结果

             17:00:00    17:10:00    17:20:00   ...  16:50:00
2013-01-10  -2.800381    1.000226    2.172929   ...  0.172929
2013-01-11   0.312587    1.003924    2.556624   ... -0.556624
2013-01-12   2.976834    1.000003   -2.141608   ... -1.141608
2013-01-13   1.197131    1.333998   -2.999944   ... -1.999944
2013-01-14  -1.653991    1.278884   -1.390654   ... -4.390654

Edit - Clarification Note: Please notice how Its desired that each day starts at '17:00:00' ends at '16:50:00'. 编辑 - 澄清注意:请注意每天从'17:00:00'开始的'16:50:00'。

Using Python 2.7 使用Python 2.7

Note: The solution presented by Nickil Maveli aproximates the answer but is shifting the date the wrong way. 注意: Nickil Maveli提出的解决方案能够解决问题,但是错误地改变了日期。 The idea is that Day_t = Starts at Day_t-1 at '17:00'. 想法是Day_t =在'17:00'的Day_t-1开始。 Right now, the solution is doing Day_t = Starts at Day_t at '17:00'. 现在,解决方案是在Day_t ='00:00'的Day_t开始。

You really do not need to use np.where here as you are merely performing filtering on just 1 parameter. 你真的不需要在这里使用np.where ,因为你只是对1个参数进行过滤。 Also, the else part is made 0. So, there is absolutely no reduction in the index obtained after this step. 此外,将else部分设为0.因此,在该步骤之后获得的指数绝对没有减少。

Instead you must, do: 相反,你必须做:

1.Build up a boolean mask to filter datetime whose hour attribute is greater than or equal to 17 with an offset of a day added: 1.Build了布尔掩模来过滤日期时间,其hour属性是大于或等于17与添加的一天的偏移量:

arr = ts.index
idx = arr[arr.hour >= 17] + pd.offsets.Day(1)

2.Reindex based on the modified index: 2.Reindex基于修改后的索引:

ts_clip = ts.reindex(idx)

3.Perform pivot operation: 3.执行pivot操作:

pd.pivot_table(ts_clip, index=ts_clip.index.date, columns=ts_clip.index.time, values=0)


Edit 编辑

ts_clip = ts.iloc[np.argwhere(ts.index.hour.__eq__(17)).ravel()[0]:]
ts_clip_shift = ts_clip.tshift(-17, freq='H')
df = pd.pivot_table(ts_clip_shift, index=(ts_clip_shift.index + pd.offsets.Day(n=1)), 
                    columns=ts_clip_shift.index.time, values=0)
df.columns= ts_clip.iloc[:len(df.columns)].index.time

Check DF characteristics: 检查DF特性:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 7 entries, 2013-01-02 to 2013-01-08
Columns: 144 entries, 17:00:00 to 16:50:00
dtypes: float64(144)
memory usage: 7.9+ KB

So I needed to draw some pictures, so here they are: 所以我需要画一些图片,所以这里是:

# Step 1:

df1 = df.ix[:,         :'16:59'] # http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.ix.html
df2 = df.ix[:, '17:00' :       ]

# Step 2:

df3 = df2.shift(periods = 1) # http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.shift.html

# Step 3: 

df4 = pandas.concat([df3, df1], axis = 1) # http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.concat.html

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