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[英]Need to make search in PowerShell script faster

Who can help to make this search faster? 谁可以帮助您更快地进行搜索? With this code search takes a few days. 使用此代码搜索需要几天的时间。 Search_Names.csv (about 10k names) Need_This_Long_Strings.csv (about 180k strings and it's 50MB) Search_Names.csv(约1万个名称)Need_This_Long_Strings.csv(约18万个字符串,共50MB)

$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format {yyyy.MM.dd_hh.mm.ss}
$SearchNames = gc D:\Search_Names.csv
$WhereSearch = gc D:\Need_This_Long_Strings.csv
$Val = 0

foreach ($SearchName in $SearchNames)
       $WhereSearch | Where{$_ | Select-String -Pattern "$SearchName.*"} | Out-File D:\Find_in_Search_File_$TimeStamp.log -Append
       $Val = $Val + 1
"Count of matches - $Val" |Out-File D:\Find_in_Search_File_$TimeStamp.log -Append

I found the solution myself. 我自己找到了解决方案。 Just made the data (Need_This_Long_Strings.csv) into an array. 只是将数据(Need_This_Long_Strings.csv)放入一个数组中。 Now this code search takes a about 20 min. 现在,此代码搜索大约需要20分钟。

$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format {yyyy.MM.dd_hh.mm.ss}
$SearchNames = Get-Content D:\Search_Names.csv
$WhereSearch = Import-Csv D:\Need_This_Long_Strings.csv -Delimiter ";"
$SearchArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList($null)
$Val = 0

foreach ($_ in $SearchArray)
       if ($SearchNames -contains $_.FullName)
             $_ | Export-Csv D:\Find_in_Search_File_$TimeStamp.csv -Delimiter ";" -Append
             $Val = $Val + 1
"Count of matches - $Val" |Out-File D:\Find_in_Search_File_$TimeStamp.log -Append

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