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[英]How to collect all cameras in Maya using Python?

How can I collect all the cameras in a Maya scene excluding the default 'perspective, top, front, side' cameras? 如何收集Maya场景中的所有摄像机,但不包括默认的“透视,顶部,正面,侧面”摄像机?

I only want to collect the user created cameras. 我只想收集用户创建的相机。

cameras = cmds.ls(type=('camera'), l=True) or []
print cameras

Do I need to do listRelatives for any reason? 我出于某种原因需要做listRelatives吗? I eventually just want to print the world Matrix of each camera. 我最终只想打印每个摄像机的世界矩阵。

To weed out default cameras, you could query for startupCamera using the cmds.camera . 剔除掉默认的摄像头,可以查询startupCamera使用cmds.camera Here is some code (with comments) to explain. 这是一些代码(带有注释)来解释。

Pymel Version Pymel版本

# Let's use Pymel for fun
import pymel.core as pm

# Get all cameras first
cameras = pm.ls(type=('camera'), l=True)

# Let's filter all startup / default cameras
startup_cameras = [camera for camera in cameras if pm.camera(camera.parent(0), startupCamera=True, q=True)]

# non-default cameras are easy to find now. Please note that these are all PyNodes
non_startup_cameras_pynodes = list(set(cameras) - set(startup_cameras))

# Let's get their respective transform names, just in-case
non_startup_cameras_transform_pynodes = map(lambda x: x.parent(0), non_startup_cameras_pynodes)

# Now we can have a non-PyNode, regular string names list of them
non_startup_cameras = map(str, non_startup_cameras_pynodes)
non_startup_cameras_transforms = map(str, non_startup_cameras_transform_pynodes)

cmds Version cmds版本

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Get all cameras first
cameras = cmds.ls(type=('camera'), l=True)

# Let's filter all startup / default cameras
startup_cameras = [camera for camera in cameras if cmds.camera(cmds.listRelatives(camera, parent=True)[0], startupCamera=True, q=True)]

# non-default cameras are easy to find now.
non_startup_cameras = list(set(cameras) - set(startup_cameras))

# Let's get their respective transform names, just in-case
non_startup_cameras_transforms = map(lambda x: cmds.listRelatives(x, parent=True)[0], non_startup_cameras)

Some further reading: http://ewertb.soundlinker.com/mel/mel.082.php 进一步阅读: http : //ewertb.soundlinker.com/mel/mel.082.php

You probably need to depend on listCamera command which you can list only persp camera or other. 您可能需要依赖listCamera命令,该命令只能列出persp摄像机或其他摄像机。 eg : 例如:

perspCameras = cmds.listCameras( p=True ) perspCameras = cmds.listCameras(p = True)

cameras = cmds.ls(type='camera') or []
exclude = ['persp', 'top', 'front', 'side']

cameras = list(set(cameras)-set(exclude))

go through all cameras in scene and print there transform ws matrix: 遍历场景中的所有摄像机并打印在那里变换ws矩阵:

for cam in cmds.listRelatives(cmds.ls(type="camera"), p=True):
    if cmds.objectType(cam, isType='transform'): # True
       print cam, cmds.xform(cam, q=True, ws=True, matrix=True)

front [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0....
persp [0.707106781186547....
shot_cam [0.9999999999999997, 0.0, .....
side [2.220446049250313e-16, 0.0 .....
top [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0......

lets try it without relative connection, 让我们在没有相对联系的情况下尝试一下

for cam in cmds.ls(type="camera"):
    print cmds.objectType(cam, isAType='transform')  # False
    print cam, cmds.xform(cam, q=True, ws=True, matrix=True)

RuntimeError : No valid objects supplied to 'xform' command RuntimeError :没有有效的对象提供给'xform'命令

In case anyone stumbles upon this, here are some easy methods that cover a few extra use cases: 万一有人偶然发现,这里有一些简单的方法可以涵盖一些额外的用例:

  • Includes cameras inside of groups / nested cameras. 包括组内的摄像机/嵌套摄像机。
  • Works regardless of if selection is a shape or transform 不管选择是形状还是变换都有效
  • Optional kwarg for it to return transforms instead of shapes. 可选的kwarg,用于返回变形而不是形状。

import maya.cmds as cmds

def all_user_cameras(return_transforms=False):
    # Get all user created / non-startup cameras in the scene
    all_user_cameras = [c for c in cmds.ls(type='camera') if not cmds.camera(c, q=True, sc=True)]
    if return_transforms:
        return [cmds.listRelatives(c, p=True)[0] for c in all_user_cameras]
    return all_user_cameras

def all_selected_user_cameras(check_nested=True, return_transforms=False):
    # Get the user created / non-startup cameras from the selection, check_nested looks inside groups when set to True
    selected_cameras = cmds.ls(sl=True, type='camera')
    selected_camera_from_shapes = cmds.listRelatives(cmds.ls(sl=True), ad=check_nested, c=True, type='camera')
    if selected_camera_from_shapes:
    if return_transforms:
        return [cmds.listRelatives(c, p=True)[0] for c in selected_cameras]
    return selected_cameras

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