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[英]Deploying a vaadin app to tomcat

I'm trying to learn Java and want to write a basic webapp using Vaadin (and Maven) in Eclipse. 我正在尝试学习Java,并想在Eclipse中使用Vaadin(和Maven)编写一个基本的Web应用程序。 I have a single java file which should create a window with a single panel. 我有一个Java文件,该文件应创建一个带有单个面板的窗口。 I have a tomcat server setup, but when I try and run my project on that I can't get past this error: 我有一个tomcat服务器安装程序,但是当我尝试在其上运行我的项目时,我无法摆脱此错误:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet

I have "vaadin-server-7.6.4.jar" installed in my Maven dependencies folder, so I am guessing I haven't set the paths correctly in the web.xml (or pom.xml?). 我在Maven依赖文件夹中安装了“ vaadin-server-7.6.4.jar”,因此我猜测我没有在web.xml(或pom.xml?)中正确设置路径。 Any ideas where I should start troubleshooting this? 有什么想法我应该开始对此进行故障排除吗?

Check if the jar is present in the Classpath. 检查jar是否存在于类路径中。 Either that jar should be inside the lib folder of Tomcat installation directory or it should be packaged in the lib folder of the web app. 该jar应该位于Tomcat安装目录的lib文件夹中,或者应打包在该Web应用程序的lib文件夹中。

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