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在Cpanel服务器上安装Varnish Cache 4

[英]Installing Varnish Cache 4 on Cpanel Server

I have successfully installed varnish on my VPS and configured it to listen on port 80 with Apache listening on port 8080. When I try accessing any domain name such as www.mydomain.com I get redirected to www.mydomain.com//cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi 我已经在我的VPS上成功安装了varnish,并将其配置为在端口80上侦听,而Apache在端口8080上侦听。当我尝试访问任何域名(例如www.mydomain.com)时,我将重定向到www.mydomain.com//cgi- SYS / defaultwebpage.cgi

Solutions I tried... Clearing browser cache Commenting out the redirect in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.html (this result in a blank screen.) removed .htaccess (no luck). 我尝试的解决方案...清除浏览器缓存注释掉/usr/local/apache/htdocs/index.html中的重定向(这将导致黑屏)。删除了.htaccess(没有运气)。

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

Simply don't use Varnish + Cpanel. 只需不要使用Varnish + Cpanel。 It will never work properly until eventually you will realize you have to get rid of Cpanel. 它永远无法正常运行,直到您最终意识到必须摆脱Cpanel。

Cpanel limits you in the way you can configure and maintain your server. Cpanel限制了您配置和维护服务器的方式。

Get rid of it, really. 摆脱它,真的。 Start from bare bones Linux OS installation and install Varnish + Nginx which is already a much better stack than what Cpanel provides. 从简单的Linux OS安装开始,然后安装Varnish + Nginx,它已经比Cpanel提供的堆栈好得多。

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