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[英]503 Backend fetch failed - Varnish Cache server Laravel

I have a Laravel web app and randomly in the admin I get the following error: 我有一个Laravel Web应用程序,并且在管理员中随机出现以下错误:

Error 503 backend fetch failed 
Guru Meditation:
XID: 499820
varnish cache server

I get this error even on the default Laravel login auth when I click login sometimes randomly it could throw this 503 error if I press back the session has started and I'm logged in. 我什至在默认的Laravel登录身份验证上也遇到此错误,当我单击登录时有时会随机出现,如果我按回该会话已启动并且已登录,则可能会抛出此503错误。

I've had a look online but I'm not sure where to start to find out how to resolve this issue. 我在网上看过,但不确定从哪里开始寻找如何解决此问题的方法。 many of the existing question on Stack seem to relate specifically to Magento CMS. 关于Stack的许多现有问题似乎都与Magento CMS有关。

The backend fetch failed error is a very generic one. backend fetch failed错误是一个非常普通的错误。

You might have to dive deep into log files, as it can be caused by things like fatal PHP errors, nginx misconfiguration, exceeded timeouts and much more. 您可能必须深入研究日志文件,因为它可能是由致命的PHP错误,nginx配置错误,超时等原因引起的。 Varnish simply "obfuscates" those and doesn't make it clear on what's going on behind it. Varnish只是“混淆”了这些内容,而不清楚其背后发生了什么。

Your first step before checking log files might be using varnishlog to find out cause of backend fetch failed , eg: 检查日志文件之前的第一步可能是使用varnishlog找出后端获取失败的原因 ,例如:

varnishlog -d -q "BerespStatus == 503"

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