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[英]How can I get multiple values for my dictionary without them replacing each other?

def newRecord(record):
    record= {'name' : 'test'}
    students = int(input('How many students are in your class? '))
    tests = int(input('How many tests have you given? '))
    for name in range(students):
        record ['name'] = input('Please enter students name: ')
        for test in range(tests):
            record ['test'] = input('Please enter test score: ')
    print (record)

For example, depending on the user input, I am trying to get record to print out as shown below and also trying to get all the values for test to be saved under the names specified. 例如,根据用户的输入,我试图获取记录以进行打印,如下所示,并且试图将所有要测试的值保存在指定的名称下。

{'name' : ' sam', 'test':  '99','98','78'}
{'name' : 'john', 'test':  '92','68','70'}

or 要么

{'sam': '99','98','78'}

use list as your tags imply: 使用list因为您的标签暗示:

record['test'] = []
for test in range(tests):
    score = input('Please enter test score: ')

You should keep a list as values for each of the dictionary key items where keys will be student names and list will contain the test scores. 您应该保留一个列表作为每个词典关键字项的值,其中关键字将是学生姓名,而list将包含测试成绩。 See an example below. 请参阅下面的示例。

record= {}
students = int(input('How many students are in your class? '))
tests = int(input('How many tests have you given? '))
for name in range(students):
    name = input('Please enter students name: ')
    testScores = []
    for test in range(tests):
        testScores.append(input('Please enter test score: '))
    record[name] = testScores
print (record)

It outputs: 它输出:

How many students are in your class? 2
How many tests have you given? 3
Please enter students name: Alex
Please enter test score: 80
Please enter test score: 75
Please enter test score: 95
Please enter students name: Mac
Please enter test score: 90
Please enter test score: 88
Please enter test score: 79
{'Alex': ['80', '75', '95'], 'Mac': ['90', '88', '79']}

I see a few problems here: 我在这里看到一些问题:

  • Your record parameter is instantly overwritten by the method, which may lead to strangeness down the road 该方法会立即覆盖您的record参数,这可能会导致一路奇怪
  • You're attempting to encapsulate multiple values in a data structure which only handles key-value relationships 您试图将多个值封装在仅处理键值关系的数据结构中
  • You're not really taking advantage of a useful design element with Python - class abstraction . 您并没有真正利用Python 类抽象的有用设计元素。

My recommendations: 我的建议:

  1. Create a class for Student s and have all of their information referencable in there. Student创建一个类,并在其中引用所有信息。

     class Student(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.test_scores = [] 

    Here I'd recommend you define a suitable __str__() value, but I leave this as an exercise for the reader. 在这里,我建议您定义一个合适的__str__()值,但我将其留给读者练习。

  2. Create a list of records somewhere which is simply a list of students. 在某个地方创建一个记录列表,它只是一个学生列表。

     students = [] 
  3. Adjust your newRecord method to make use of the class (and rename it to better describe its purpose). 调整newRecord方法以利用该类(并将其重命名以更好地描述其目的)。

     def create_new_records(): students = int(input('How many students are in your class? ')) tests = int(input('How many tests have you given? ')) for i in range(students): student_name = input('Please enter students name: ') student = Student(student_name) for j in range(tests): student.test_scores.append(input('Please enter test score: ')) students.append(student) print(student) 

You can keep using a dictionary if you'd like: 您可以根据需要继续使用字典:

def newRecord():
    record = {}
    students = int(input('How many students are in your class? '))
    for name in range(students):
        name = input('Please enter students name: ')
        test = input('Please enter test score: ')
        record[name] = test

This will log: 这将记录:

How many students are in your class? 3
Please enter students name: john
Please enter test score: 12
Please enter students name: mike
Please enter test score: 33, 45, 66
Please enter students name: otherjohn
Please enter test score: 9
{'john': '12', 'otherjohn': '9', 'mike': '33, 45, 66'}

Or you can do it in-place with: 或者,您可以使用以下方法就地进行:

for name in range(students):
    record[input('Please enter students name: ')] = input('Please enter test score: ')
print (record)

This will ask you for the test scores first though and then the name. 但是,这将首先要求您提供测试成绩,然后是名称。


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