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[英]How to access variable calculated in other js file?

Just a simple example make it clear: In this example how can I use the calculated machineLength in angularApp.js? 只是一个简单的例子就清楚了:在这个例子中,如何在angularApp.js中使用计算出的machineLength? For now, it output an empty object, not the calculated in the angularApp.js. 现在,它输出一个空对象,而不是angularApp.js中计算的对象。

    <script src="...">...</script>
      let machineLength={};
    <script src="angularApp.js"></script>

      // here is a lot of code use machineLength to render scene of models with three.js
      //the machineLength is the render region width, height. length

angularApp.js: angularApp.js:

  let sliceApp = angular.module('sliceConfig', []);
    .controller('sliceConfigController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http)
            $scope.config = [];
            $scope.config.machine_width = machineLength.x = parseFloat(response.config.machine_width);

Any helps will be appreciated! 任何帮助将不胜感激!

You need to use Providers value recipe 您需要使用提供者的价值配方

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.value('m_width', '100'); //some init value

myApp.controller('DemoController', ['m_width', function DemoController(m_width) {

        $scope.config = [];
        var x = //something from response;
        $scope.$emit('eventName', { width: x });


myApp.controller('otherController', ['m_width', function otherController(m_width) {

   $scope.$on('eventName', function (event, args) {
    $scope.message = args.width;

   $scope.width = m_width;


The problem is angularApp.js uses an asynchronous ajax call, and the script in your main page prints machineLength before the response arrives. 问题是angularApp.js使用异步ajax调用,并且主页中的脚本在响应到达之前就打印了machineLength

One solution would be for your angularApp script to inform the script in your main page when the response arrives. 一种解决方案是让angularApp脚本在响应到达时通知您主页中的脚本。 In angularApp.js: 在angularApp.js中:

.success(function(response) {
        $scope.config = [];
        $scope.config.machine_width = machineLength.x = parseFloat(response.config.machine_width);
        angularFinishedJob(); // call the script in the main page when job is done

Main page: 主页:

  console.log(machineLength); // empty object, because angular job didn't finish

  function angularFinishedJob(){  // called from angularApp.js
      console.log(machineLength); // calculated object
      // add code which uses machineLength

Note: I think this would be the easiest method to implement if you have access to modifying angularApp.js . 注意:我认为如果您有权修改angularApp.js这将是最容易实现的方法。 If not, others solutions exist 如果没有,则存在其他解决方案

Inject $window and use that: 注入$ window并使用:

  let sliceApp = angular.module('sliceConfig', []);
    .controller('sliceConfigController', function($window, $scope, $http)
            $scope.config = [];
            //$scope.config.machine_width = machineLength.x = parseFloat(response.config.machine_width);
            $scope.config.machine_width = $window.machineLength.x = parseFloat(response.config.machine_width);

I don't recommend using either the global object or $rootScope for storing values but it will work. 我不建议使用全局对象或$rootScope来存储值,但是它将起作用。

Instead, I recommend using a value provider: 相反,我建议使用值提供程序:

  let sliceApp = angular.module('sliceConfig', []);

  sliceApp.value("machineLength", {});
    .controller('sliceConfigController', function(machineLength, $scope, $http)
            $scope.config = [];
            $scope.config.machine_width = machineLength.x = parseFloat(response.config.machine_width);

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