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How to access variable calculated in other js file?

Just a simple example make it clear: In this example how can I use the calculated machineLength in angularApp.js? For now, it output an empty object, not the calculated in the angularApp.js.

    <script src="...">...</script>
      let machineLength={};
    <script src="angularApp.js"></script>

      // here is a lot of code use machineLength to render scene of models with three.js
      //the machineLength is the render region width, height. length


  let sliceApp = angular.module('sliceConfig', []);
    .controller('sliceConfigController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http)
            $scope.config = [];
            $scope.config.machine_width = machineLength.x = parseFloat(response.config.machine_width);

Any helps will be appreciated!

You need to use Providers value recipe

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.value('m_width', '100'); //some init value

myApp.controller('DemoController', ['m_width', function DemoController(m_width) {

        $scope.config = [];
        var x = //something from response;
        $scope.$emit('eventName', { width: x });


myApp.controller('otherController', ['m_width', function otherController(m_width) {

   $scope.$on('eventName', function (event, args) {
    $scope.message = args.width;

   $scope.width = m_width;


The problem is angularApp.js uses an asynchronous ajax call, and the script in your main page prints machineLength before the response arrives.

One solution would be for your angularApp script to inform the script in your main page when the response arrives. In angularApp.js:

.success(function(response) {
        $scope.config = [];
        $scope.config.machine_width = machineLength.x = parseFloat(response.config.machine_width);
        angularFinishedJob(); // call the script in the main page when job is done

Main page:

  console.log(machineLength); // empty object, because angular job didn't finish

  function angularFinishedJob(){  // called from angularApp.js
      console.log(machineLength); // calculated object
      // add code which uses machineLength

Note: I think this would be the easiest method to implement if you have access to modifying angularApp.js . If not, others solutions exist

Inject $window and use that:

  let sliceApp = angular.module('sliceConfig', []);
    .controller('sliceConfigController', function($window, $scope, $http)
            $scope.config = [];
            //$scope.config.machine_width = machineLength.x = parseFloat(response.config.machine_width);
            $scope.config.machine_width = $window.machineLength.x = parseFloat(response.config.machine_width);

I don't recommend using either the global object or $rootScope for storing values but it will work.

Instead, I recommend using a value provider:

  let sliceApp = angular.module('sliceConfig', []);

  sliceApp.value("machineLength", {});
    .controller('sliceConfigController', function(machineLength, $scope, $http)
            $scope.config = [];
            $scope.config.machine_width = machineLength.x = parseFloat(response.config.machine_width);

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