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Rcpp:C ++函数在R包中不起作用

[英]Rcpp: C++ functions don't work in R package

I have some functions in R and I re-coded them by Rcpp. 我在R中有一些功能,并由Rcpp重新编码。 Each of those functions has a stand-along .cpp file. 每个功能都有一个独立的.cpp文件。 One function called add_inflow() . 一个函数称为add_inflow() Previously, I put all cpp functions on my desktop and used Rcpp::sourceCpp("add_inflow.cpp") . 以前,我将所有cpp函数都放在桌面上,并使用了Rcpp::sourceCpp("add_inflow.cpp") Then, this c++ function could give me an output value by plugging parameters. 然后,此c ++函数可以通过插入参数为我提供输出值。

Then I want to embed them into my R package called stormwindmodel , by following Compiled Code, R Packages, Hadley 然后,我想按照编译代码,R包,Hadley将它们嵌入到我的名为stormwindmodel R包中

First, I run devtools::use_rcpp() , then moved all cpp functions under src file. 首先,我运行devtools::use_rcpp() ,然后将所有cpp函数移到src文件下。 Then, I clicked build&reload button and it was succesfully done. 然后,我单击“构建和重新加载”按钮,此操作成功完成。 At this point, I found the original R functions were in the Environmental Panel but didn't see my cpp functinos. 在这一点上,我发现原始的R函数在环境面板中,但是没有看到我的cpp函数。 Then I run load_all , and this time cpp functinos showed up. 然后我运行load_all ,这一次出现了cpp functinos。 However, when I run add_inflow_Cpp() function, Rstudio gave me this output: 但是,当我运行add_inflow_Cpp()函数时,Rstudio给了我以下输出:

Error in .Call("stormwindmodel_add_forward_speed_Cpp", PACKAGE = "stormwindmodel",  : 
"stormwindmodel_add_forward_speed_Cpp" not available for .Call() for package "stormwindmodel"  

Did I miss any steps? 我错过任何步骤了吗? Any suggestion to me? 有什么建议吗?

If the question was not of good enough quality then please give me feedback, I will edit it as soon as possible. 如果问题质量不够好,请给我反馈,我将尽快对其进行编辑。

You are likely missing the useDynLib(<pkg>) entry in your NAMESPACE file. 您可能会丢失NAMESPACE文件中的useDynLib(<pkg>)条目。 If you're using Roxygen and following the examples in the book, you need to include the following content in an R file (the best guess at this point is you missed this step): 如果您使用的是Roxygen并遵循本书中的示例,则需要在R文件中包含以下内容(目前最好的猜测是您错过了此步骤):

#' @useDynLib your-package-name
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp

The @useDynLib <pkg> Roxygen directive instructs the roxygen2 package to include a useDynLib(<pkg>) in the NAMESPACE file whenever you re-document the package. @useDynLib <pkg> Roxygen指令指示roxygen2软件包在每次重新记录软件包时在NAMESPACE文件中包含useDynLib(<pkg>)

Did you remember to add the associated lines above to an R file in your package in the R folder (eg at R/package-init.R ), and re-document the package after adding that? 您是否记得将上述关联的行添加到R文件夹中包中的R文件中(例如,在R/package-init.R ),并在添加后重新记录该包? If you've done everything correctly, you should see useDynLib(<pkg>) added to the NAMESPACE file, with <pkg> replaced by the actual name of your package. 如果正确完成所有操作,则应该看到useDynLib(<pkg>)添加到NAMESPACE文件中,而<pkg>被替换为包的实际名称。

It should be noted that devtools::use_rcpp() does not do this automatically for you -- after running the function, it instructs you that you need to do this step manually: 应当指出的是, devtools::use_rcpp() 不会自动为您做到这一点-运行的功能之后,它会指示你,你需要手动执行该步骤:

> devtools::use_rcpp()
Adding Rcpp to LinkingTo and Imports
* Creating `src/`.
* Ignoring generated binary files.
Next, include the following roxygen tags somewhere in your package:

#' @useDynLib sparklyr
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp

Then run document()

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