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[英]RBAC with Neo4J, in NodeJS

We are using Neo4J, to store the users information who are logging into our website. 我们正在使用Neo4J来存储登录到我们网站的用户信息。 The Roles, Permissions, Privileges are stored in the Database. 角色,权限,特权存储在数据库中。 I would like to know if there is a good implementation of RBAC, written in NodeJS with Neo4J as the database. 我想知道是否有很好的RBAC实现,它是用NodeJS以Neo4J作为数据库编写的。

I could see one for Graph ACL, and nothing much for RBAC : Graph ACL 我可以看到一个图形ACL,而对于RBAC则什么也没有: 图形ACL

Any experience in this would be useful for us to proceed further. 在这方面的任何经验对我们进一步进行都是有益的。

There's a pretty well thought out graphgist for access control graphs here: https://neo4j.com/graphgist/06bbc73b-80e9-45fc-a1d6-c0270745ddfb 这里有一个经过深思熟虑的graphgist用于访问控制图: https ://neo4j.com/graphgist/06bbc73b-80e9-45fc-a1d6-c0270745ddfb

You'll have to apply the nomenclature of RBAC to what's provided (eg, groups in this graph look a lot like roles.) And the actual nodejs implementation isn't even kind of trivial so I can't be of any help there. 您必须将RBAC的术语应用于所提供的名称(例如,该图中的组看起来很像角色。)而且实际的nodejs实现甚至都不是琐碎的事情,因此我在此无济于事。

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