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如何使用std :: vector作为C ++中std :: unordered_map的键类型?

[英]How to use std::vector as the type of key for an std::unordered_map in C++?

I'm trying to build an unordered map to contain points in n-dimensional space. 我正在尝试构建一个unordered map来包含n维空间中的点。 I understand that std::vector meets all the requirements for being a key in std::map , and yet this code does not compile. 我理解std::vector满足std::map作为键的所有要求,但是这段代码不能编译。 I get a long list of error messages, but this seems the most problematic: 我得到一长串错误消息,但这似乎是最成问题的:

error: no match for call to '(const std::hash<std::vector<int> >) (const std::vector<int>&)'.

Does anyone have any idea as to why g++ doesn't seem to think that std::vector<int> is hashable? 有没有人知道为什么g ++似乎不认为std::vector<int>是可以清除的?

#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>

using namespace std;

typedef vector<int> point;

int main()
    unordered_map<point, int>jugSpace;
    vector<int> origin(3, 0);

    jugSpace.insert( pair<point,int>(origin, 0) );

Unordered map requires availability of hash function for the key. 无序映射需要密钥的哈希函数的可用性。 Such function does not exist for std::vector in standard implementation. 标准实现中std::vector不存在这样的函数。

You could use std::map , though - it requires comparison operator, which exists for vector. 你可以使用std::map - 它需要比较运算符,它存在于vector中。

If you really must use vector as a key to hash map (which seems dubious), you should implement hashing function yourself. 如果你真的必须使用vector作为哈希映射的关键(这看起来很可疑),你应该自己实现哈希函数。

You need to specialize template class std::hash<> for your point like: 您需要为您的点专门化模板类std::hash<> ,例如:

namespace std {
  class hash<point> {
    size_t operator()(const point &p) const {
      // put here your hash calculation code

Or create custom hasher class and specify its type as template member for std::unordered_map : 或者创建自定义hasher类并将其类型指定为std::unordered_map模板成员:

class my_hash {
  size_t operator()(const point &p) const {
    // your hash calculation code

// somewhere in your code, where you declare your unordered_map variable
std::unordered_map<point, int, my_hash> myUnorderedMap;

If you want to use boost::hash_value as hash function then just return its result in your hasher implementation, ex: 如果你想使用boost::hash_value作为哈希函数,那么只需在你的哈希实现中返回它的结果,例如:

class my_hash {
  size_t operator()(const point &p) const {
    return boost::hash_value(p);

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