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Ruby on Rails Ubuntu安装指南

[英]Ruby on rails install guide for ubuntu

need your help about which site to use to get good content on installing and deploying guides for rails app. 在使用哪个站点上需要您的帮助时,以获得有关安装和部署Rails应用程序指南的 良好内容。 And also it could bi video. 而且它还可以播放视频。 But i need good öne. 但是我需要好的。

There are many good resources if you simply google rails and your OS of choice. 如果您只是使用google rails和您选择的操作系统,则有很多不错的资源。

Here are some I personally find good for Ubuntu: 以下是一些我个人认为对Ubuntu有益的内容:

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