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在Ubuntu 11.04上安装Ruby On Rails

[英]Install Ruby On Rails on Ubuntu 11.04

I am just a fresher in the field of Ruby .I tried to install with the help of this blog on my ubuntu 11.04 system.When I was going through the step by step process for installation and I used this command bash < <(curl -s https://rvm.io/install/rvm) and after that I used rvm | 我只是Ruby领域的Ruby 。我尝试在ubuntu 11.04系统上的此博客的帮助下进行安装。当我逐步进行安装过程时,使用了以下命令bash < <(curl -s https://rvm.io/install/rvm) ,然后使用rvm | head -1 it showed this 头-1表明了这一点

No command 'rvm' found, but there are 19 similar ones
rvm: command not found

So can some one tell me where is the wrong part.I don't know much about Ruby.Any help and suggestions will be highly appreciable.Any good and easy understandable links for installation of Ruby on Ubuntu 11.04 will be helpful. 所以有人可以告诉我哪里是错误的部分。我对Ruby不太了解。任何帮助和建议都将是非常有价值的。在Ubuntu 11.04上安装Ruby的任何简单易懂的链接都将有所帮助。

Try curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable 尝试curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable

You just follow this and install everything 您只需遵循并安装所有内容

http://ryanbigg.com/2010/12/ubuntu-ruby-rvm-rails-and-you/ http://ryanbigg.com/2010/12/ubuntu-ruby-rvm-rails-and-you/

And chill.. 冷静

Try to install rvm using 尝试使用安装rvm

curl -L http://get.rvm.io | bash

This command and then run, read and follow instructions: rvm requirements 此命令,然后运行,阅读并遵循说明: rvm requirements

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