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[英]Retrieving data from database to text using jquery

I am trying to populate my textboxes in my mvc project but I am missing something which I am not able to understand. 我正在尝试在我的mvc项目中填充文本框,但缺少一些我无法理解的内容。 In my project I have a button, upon clicking that it open a popup model form. 在我的项目中,我有一个按钮,单击后会打开一个弹出模型表单。 In that form I have two textboxes. 在这种形式下,我有两个文本框。 I wanted to populate that so when I open the form textbox is populated with what I wanted to show. 我想填充它,所以当我打开表单文本框时,要填充我想显示的内容。 Can anyone help on how can I do that? 谁能帮助我该怎么做?

my view comtains (.asmx) 我的视图包含(.asmx)

 <table align="center">
            <td valign="top" class="col-label">
            <td class="col-label">
                <textarea id="header" name="header" cols="15" rows="2"></textarea>
            <td valign="top" class="col-label">
            <td class="col-label">
                <textarea id="footer" name="footer" cols="15" rows="2"></textarea>

My Controller 我的控制器

   public ActionResult GetTempelateData(int locationId)
        var area = _branches.GetById(locationId);
        FormTemplate data = new FormTemplate();

        data.Header= "";
        data.Footer = "";

        string query = "";
        query = @"SELECT header, footer 
                  from registration_center_template t
                       Inner Join company_template tc ON t.id = tc.template_id
                  where tc.location_id =" + locationId.ToString();
        using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appdb"]))

            using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
                command.CommandTimeout = 3000;
                using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        data.Header = reader["header"].ToString();
                        data.Footer = reader["footer"].ToString(); 
        return View("FormTemplate", data);

Now how can I add jquery to populate my data into textboxes? 现在如何添加jquery将数据填充到文本框中?

Well, first of all I wouldn't get the form data on button click, but on said "popup modal form" open event, if it has one. 好吧,首先,我不会在单击按钮时获得表单数据,而是在具有“弹出模式表单”打开事件的情况下单击它。 If it doesn't, there should be a single function which handles the opening of the modal, in which case the form data GET should be passed as a callback function to it. 如果没有,则应该有一个函数来处理模式的打开,在这种情况下,表单数据GET应该作为回调函数传递给它。

Secondly, I do not see why AJAX is needed here. 其次,我不明白为什么这里需要AJAX。 Do you have an ever changing header and footer? 您有不断变化的页眉和页脚吗?

So I will provide first the version which I think is more appropriate, and after that the AJAX solution. 因此,我将首先提供我认为更合适的版本,然后提供AJAX解决方案。 ** By the way, I corrected your Action name typo and I'm using Razor MVC **顺便说一句,我更正了您的动作名称拼写错误,并且我正在使用Razor MVC

1- Using MVC (should be easy to translate to asp.net) 1-使用MVC(应该很容易转换为asp.net)

@model FormTemplate
<table align="center"> 
        <td valign="top" class="col-label">
        <td class="col-label">
            @Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Header, new { cols = 15, rows = 2 })
        <td valign="top" class="col-label">
        <td class="col-label">
            @Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Footer, new { cols = 15, rows = 2 })

I assume your view is called FormTemplate, in which case you are already passing the model to it on your GetTemplateData Action. 我假设您的视图称为FormTemplate,在这种情况下,您已经在GetTemplateData Action GetTemplateData模型传递给它。

2- Using jQuery AJAX 2-使用jQuery AJAX

Model 模型

// This should actually be on a repository class
public static FormTemplate GetFormTemplateById(int locationId)
    string query =
            @"SELECT header, footer 
              from registration_center_template t
                   Inner Join company_template tc ON t.id = tc.template_id
              where tc.location_id =" + locationId;
    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appdb"]))

        using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
            command.CommandTimeout = 3000;
            using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                return reader.Read()
                    ? new FormTemplate
                            Header = reader["header"] as string,
                            Footer = reader["footer"] as string
                    : new FormTemplate(); // could also be null - preference;

Controller 控制者

public JsonResult GetTemplateData(int locationId)
    return Json(FormTemplate.GetTemplateById(locationId), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

    // if FormTemplate returns null, your javascript will fail
    // could use FormTemplate.GetTemplateById(locationId) ?? new FormTemplate()
    // or on JavaScript: if (!response) return;

JavaScript 的JavaScript

$.get('@Url.Action("GetTemplateData", "Admin")',
      { locationId: @ViewData["locationID"] }
      // locationID must be an int or this will fail, either silently or explicitly
  .done(function (response) {
      // if your model can be null, use:
      // if (!response) return;

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