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[英]Python multiprocessing and progress bar function occasionally hangs

I have this general function that I use to run many different operations that works to launch multiple processes and then keep track of the progress using the progressbar2 modules. 我具有用于运行许多不同操作的通用功能,这些操作可启动多个进程,然后使用progressbar2模块跟踪进度。 Occasionally the progress bar results in a hang up and the function gets stuck. 有时进度条会导致挂断,并且功能会卡住。 I can't seem to figure out why, if I remove the progress bar update, then the process finishes and moves on, so the problem seems to be in the while loop. 我似乎无法弄清楚为什么,如果删除进度条更新,则过程完成并继续进行,因此问题似乎出在while循环中。 Is there a better way to construct the while loop? 有没有更好的方法来构造while循环?

def runMultiProgress(function, inputList, cpus):
    from progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, ETA
    from time import sleep
    #setup pool
    p = multiprocessing.Pool(cpus)
    #setup progress bar
    widgets = ['     Progress: ', Percentage(),' || ', ETA()]
    pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, term_width=30, maxval=len(inputList)).start()
    #setup results and split over cpus
    results = []
    r = [p.apply_async(function, (x,), callback=results.append) for x in inputList]
    #refresh pbar every 5 seconds
    while len(results) != len(inputList):

UPDATE: citing my sources, this multiprocessing + progress bar is from @julien-tourille answer here: Show the progress of a Python multiprocessing pool map call? 更新:援引我的资料,这个多处理+进度栏来自@ julien-tourille答案在这里: 显示Python多处理池映射调用的进度?

I ended up modifying the function to use just a simple progressbar and modified how the multiprocessing was being called. 我最终修改了该函数以仅使用一个简单的进度栏,并修改了如何调用多处理。 This seems to be simpler and works for me. 这似乎更简单,并且对我有用。

def runMultiProgress(function, inputList, cpus):
    #setup pool
    p = multiprocessing.Pool(cpus)
    #setup results and split over cpus
    tasks = len(inputList)
    results = []
    for i in inputList:
        results.append(p.apply_async(function, [i]))
    #refresh progress every sec
    while True:
        incomplete_count = sum(1 for x in results if not x.ready())
        if incomplete_count == 0:
        sys.stdout.write("Progress: %.2f%% \r" % (float(tasks - incomplete_count) / tasks * 100))

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