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检测系统语言更改OS X

[英]Detect system language change OS X

Is there any way to detect the system language change event under OS X? 有什么方法可以检测OS X下的系统语言更改事件?

I've tried to search on the developer.apple.com, but with no results. 我试图在developer.apple.com上搜索,但没有结果。

I'm looking for a solution on C++/Obj-C. 我正在寻找C ++ / Obj-C上的解决方案。

If you're working in Objective-C/Swift, you can use NSDistributedNotificationCenter to watch for language change notifications: 如果您使用的是Objective-C / Swift,则可以使用NSDistributedNotificationCenter来监视语言更改通知:

// You are not required to register self -- this can be any object, and the selector name can be anything taking one argument.
[[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(languageChanged:) name:@"AppleLanguagePreferencesChangedNotification" object:nil];

You can name languageChanged: whatever you'd like, as long as the method takes an NSNotification object: 您可以将languageChanged:命名为任意名称,只要该方法采用NSNotification对象即可:

- (void)languageChanged:(NSNotification *)notification {
    // New preferred language.
    NSString *language = [[NSLocale preferredLanguages] firstObject];

Take a look at the NSDistributedNotificationCenter docs for more info. 查看NSDistributedNotificationCenter文档以获取更多信息。

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