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如何从Mac的Xcode项目中打开应用程序(Cocoa App)

[英]how to open an app from Mac from Xcode project (Cocoa App)

Today I have created an Cocoa Application for the very first time . 今天,我第一次创建了Cocoa Application I want to create a simple App which will open an APP from my Mac , if the file not found it will show a Link in a Label to download the App. 我想创建一个简单的应用程序,它将从我的Mac打开一个应用程序,如果找不到该文件,它将在Label显示一个Link以下载该应用程序。 Here is my code below which I am struggling with . 这是我正在努力的下面的代码。

  if let fileCheck = NSURL.fileURL(withPath: "/Applications/Mango.app") {
        if NSWorkspace.shared().open(fileCheck as URL) {
            print("url successfully opened")
    } else {
      self.downloadLink.insertText("Invalid Path")

NSURL.fileURL(withPath: "/Applications/Mango.app") giving me Conditional Binding Must be Optional , I don't know how to fix that. NSURL.fileURL(withPath:“ /Applications/Mango.app”)给我提供条件绑定必须是可选的 ,我不知道如何解决。 And I am struggling with how to show a link on my Label either. Any kind hearted Dev please help. 任何善良的开发人员请帮助。

got the solution by someone , I don't know why he deleted that ! 得到了解决方案的人,我不知道他为什么删除了!

   if FileManager().fileExists(atPath: "/Applications/Mango.app") {
       NSWorkspace.shared().open(NSURL(fileURLWithPath:   "/Applications/Mango.app") as URL)
    } else {
        downloadLink.isHidden = false

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