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[英]How to Create an XML file directly from DS18B20 sensor in raspberry Pi?

Can any one help me with how to generate a .xml file which can be accessed from something like http://your-raspberrypi-ip/some-filename.xml in raspberry pi for DS18B20 one wire temperature sensor. 谁能帮我生成一个.xml文件,可以从树莓中的http://your-raspberrypi-ip/some-filename.xml之类的文件访问DS18B20单线温度传感器。

I want to make a xml file which should be updated every 5 mins automatically. 我想制作一个XML文件,该文件应每5分钟自动更新一次。

Without knowing exactly what you're asking, I'm going to suggest you take a look here: 在不完全知道您要问什么的情况下,我建议您在这里看看:

http://www.instructables.com/id/Using-XML-on-the-Raspberry-Pi-with-Python/ http://www.instructables.com/id/Using-XML-on-the-Raspberry-Pi-with-Python/

If you can clarify the question a bit, I may be able to offer more assistance. 如果您可以澄清一些问题,我可能会提供更多帮助。 Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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