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[英]Testing multiple DS18B20 sensor cables

I'm really new to python and coding in general so i turn here for help. 我真的是python和编码的新手,所以我在这里寻求帮助。 At work we need to test many cables with up to five DS18B20 sensors attached to them. 在工作中,我们需要测试最多连接五个DS18B20传感器的电缆。 We got this program and we've been using it for a while now to test cables with raspberry Pi. 我们得到了这个程序,并且已经使用了一段时间了,以通过树莓派测试电缆。 But there are few problems with it. 但是,它几乎没有问题。

The program needs to detect the number of sensors attached and see if they're working, then list them by serial number lowest>highest (so we can warm them up, see which one gets highlighted, one by one and physically number them) and repeat. 该程序需要检测连接的传感器的数量,并查看它们是否正常工作,然后按序列号从最低到最高的顺序列出它们(以便我们对其进行预热,看看其中哪一个被突出显示,并逐一进行编号)重复。

It feels generally slow and crashes pretty often. 通常感觉很慢,并且经常崩溃。 With the cables that have 5 sensors attached to them, it can find the sensors on max 2 cables(more if lucky), and when you attach 3rd cable it won't find them anymore or it will keep saying that there's 10 sensors attached. 使用连接了5个传感器的电缆,它可以在最多2条电缆上找到传感器(如果幸运的话,可以找到更多),而当您连接第3条电缆时,它将不再找到它们,或者会一直说连接了10个传感器。 Rebooting the Pi fixes it but it takes time. 重新启动Pi可以解决此问题,但需要花费一些时间。 Hot-swapping the cables is probably the main culprit here, but its the fastest way. 热插拔电缆可能是此处的罪魁祸首,但这是最快的方法。

With 3 sensor cables you can check 4-5 of them until it hangs. 使用3条传感器电缆,您可以检查4-5条电缆,直到其挂起。

Any hints where the problem could be or how i could make things more efficient and faster are welcome. 任何暗示问题可能出在哪里或我如何使事情更高效,更快地表示欢迎。

Code: 码:

import os,sys,time
import curses
stdscr = curses.initscr()

begin_x = 5; begin_y = 5
height = 40; width = 40  

def temp_raw(sensor_str):
    f = open(sensor_str, 'r')
    lines = f.readlines()
    return lines

def read_temp(sensor_str):
    lines = temp_raw(sensor_str)
    while lines[0].strip()[-3:] != 'YES':
        lines = temp_raw(sensor_str)
    temp_output = lines[1].find('t')
    if temp_output != -1:
        temp_string = lines[1].strip()[temp_output+2:]
        temp_c = float(temp_string) / 1000.0
        return temp_c
init = 1
timer = 0
search = 1
subdirectories = []
old_nbr_of_subdirs = 1
nbr_of_subdirs = 1
old_subdirectories = []
os.system('modprobe w1-gpio')
os.system('modprobe w1-therm')

while (1):
    timer = timer + 1

    while search == 1:
        stdscr.addstr(10,30, "Searching for sensors");
        subdirectories = os.listdir("/sys/bus/w1/devices/");
        nbr_of_subdirs = len(subdirectories);
        if nbr_of_subdirs > old_nbr_of_subdirs:
            stdscr.addstr(10,30, "Found %d new sensors           " % (nbr_of_subdirs-old_nbr_of_subdirs));
            stdscr.addstr(11,30, "Is this all sensors? (y/n)?");
            c = -1;
            while(c == -1):
                c = stdscr.getch();
                if c == ord('y'):
                    stdscr.addstr(10,30, "                                   ");
                    stdscr.addstr(11,30, "                            ");
                    old_nbr_of_subdirs = nbr_of_subdirs;
                    init = 1;
                    search = 0;
                    timer = 0;
            stdscr.addstr(10,51 + timer, ". ");
            timer = timer + 1;
            timer = timer % 4;

    if init == 1:
        init = 0
        alive_ticker = 0;
        temp_list = [];
        sensor_oldtemp = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
        sensor_temp = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
        active_sensor = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
        sensors = 0;
        alive_ticker = 0;
        active = 2;
        confirm = 0; 

        stdscr.addstr(17,0, "Number of subdirectories %d" % (len(subdirectories)));
        removed = 0;
        index = 0;
        length_old_subdirs = len(old_subdirectories);
        while (index < length_old_subdirs):
            length_old_subdirs = len(old_subdirectories);

            if old_subdirectories[index] in subdirectories:
                removed += 1;
                index += 1;     

                index = 0;

        stdscr.addstr(30,20, "Removed %d" % (removed))

        stdscr.addstr(18,0, "Number of CUT subdirectories %d" % (len(subdirectories)));

        stdscr.addstr(19,0, "Number of  old_subdirectories %d" % (len(old_subdirectories)));

        stdscr.addstr(13,20, "Press space to confirm active sensor!");
        stdscr.addstr(14,20, "Press r to reset!");

        for index in range(len(subdirectories)):
            if subdirectories[index].find("28") != -1:
                sensor_temp[sensors] = 0;
                sensors = sensors + 1;
                old_subdirectories = old_subdirectories + subdirectories;

    if confirm == 1:
        stdscr.addstr(13,20, "Press space to confirm active sensor!");
        stdscr.addstr(14,20, "Press r to restart!");

    c = stdscr.getch();

    if c == 32:
        confirm = 0;
        timer = 10
        for z in range(sensors):
            if active_sensor[z] > active:
                stdscr.addstr(z+5,20, "                                                                      " , curses.A_DIM)
                active_sensor[z] = 100  
    elif c == ord('n'):
        init = 1

    elif c == ord('r'):
        for z in range(sensors):
            active_sensor[z] = 1;

    if (timer > 9):
        timer = 0
        nbr_active_sensors = 0
        for y in range(sensors):
            if 99 > active_sensor[y]:
                nbr_active_sensors = nbr_active_sensors + 1;
                sensor_temp[y] = read_temp(temp_list[y]);
                if ((sensor_oldtemp[y] + 0.1) < sensor_temp[y]):
                    active_sensor[y] = active_sensor[y] + 1;
                    sensor_oldtemp[y] = sensor_temp[y]

        stdscr.addstr(3,5, "nbr_active_sensors=%d" % (nbr_active_sensors))
        stdscr.addstr(4,5, "sensors=%d" % (sensors))

        if nbr_active_sensors == 0:
            search = 1
            timer = 0;

        for x in range(sensors):
            if (99 > active_sensor[x] and active_sensor[x] > active):
                confirm = 1         
                stdscr.addstr(x+5,20, "Sensor %d value %4.2f ID:%s : %d " % (x+1, sensor_temp[x], temp_list[x][20:-9], active_sensor[x]), curses.A_STANDOUT)
            elif active_sensor[x] <= active:
                stdscr.addstr(x+5,20, "Sensor %d value %4.2f ID:%s : %d " % (x+1, sensor_temp[x], temp_list[x][20:-9], active_sensor[x]))
        alive_ticker = alive_ticker + 1
        stdscr.addstr(2, 55, "Alive ticker: %6d" % (alive_ticker))

Question : when you insert the 3rd cable (with 2-3 temp sensor on them) it just won't find any new sensors anymore. 问题 :当您插入第三根电缆(带有2-3个温度传感器)时,它不再能找到任何新的传感器。

If I recall properly there is a Limit of 2 Cable. 如果我没记错的话,电缆的极限为2 Have you verified your Hardware supports more Cable? 您是否已验证硬件支持更多电缆?

I suggest to rewrite the Code and separate the Code into UI, Sensor and Wire Parts. 我建议重写代码和代码分成 UI,传感器和导线部分。

For instance: 例如:

class DS18B20(object):
    def read(self):

class One_Wire(object):
    def search(self):
        print("Searching sensors")

    def read(self):
        print('Reading sensors')
        for key in self.sensors:

    def refresh(self):
        print("Refreshing sensors")

    def history(self, alive=True):
        print('Reading History')

Usage : 用法

if __name__ == '__main__':
    oWire = One_Wire()




    history = oWire.history()

Output : 输出

Searching sensors
Sensors:5, active:5
id:i2c-0 CONNECT temp:None, id:i2c-3 CONNECT temp:None, id:i2c-1 CONNECT temp:None, id:i2c-5 CONNECT temp:None, id:i2c-6 CONNECT temp:None
Refreshing sensors
NEW Sensor:i2c-2
NEW Sensor:i2c-4
Sensors:7, active:6
id:i2c-0 CONNECT temp:None, id:i2c-2 CONNECT temp:None, id:i2c-3 CONNECT temp:None, id:i2c-1 disconnect temp:None, id:i2c-5 CONNECT temp:None, id:i2c-6 CONNECT temp:None, id:i2c-4 CONNECT temp:None
Reading sensors
Reading sensors
Reading sensors
Sensors:7, active:6
id:i2c-0 CONNECT temp:19, id:i2c-2 CONNECT temp:25, id:i2c-3 CONNECT temp:26, id:i2c-1 disconnect temp:None, id:i2c-5 CONNECT temp:25, id:i2c-6 CONNECT temp:18, id:i2c-4 CONNECT temp:30
Reading History
[{'i2c-0': [20, 27, 19]}, {'i2c-2': [30, 21, 25]}, {'i2c-3': [23, 29, 26]}, {'i2c-5': [30, 18, 25]}, {'i2c-6': [30, 21, 18]}, {'i2c-4': [24, 18, 30]}]

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