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[英]Subscript out of range error - vba

I am trying to copy and paste multiple tables from excel to word but it's giving me Subscript out of range error when I am trying to define tbl. 我正在尝试将多个表格从excel复制并粘贴到word,但是当我尝试定义tbl时,它给我下标超出范围错误。 I found the codes online and is trying to modify the codes to suit my needs. 我在网上找到了代码,并试图修改代码以适合我的需求。

Sub ExcelTablesToWord_Modified()

    Dim WordApp As Word.Application
    Dim myDoc As Word.Document
    Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim tableName As String

    With dict
        .Add "TableA1", "TableA1"
        .Add "TableA2", "TableA2"
        .Add "TableB1", "TableB1"
        .Add "TableB2", "TableB2"
        .Add "TableC", "TableC"
        .Add "TableD", "TableD"
        .Add "TableE1", "TableE1"
        .Add "TableE2", "TableE2"
        .Add "TableF1", "TableF1"
        .Add "TableF2", "TableF2"
        'TODO: add the remaining WorksheetName/TableName combinations
    End With

    'Optimize Code
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False

    'Set Variable Equal To Destination Word Document
    On Error GoTo WordDocNotFound
      Set WordApp = GetObject(class:="Word.Application")
      WordApp.Visible = True
      Set myDoc = WordApp.Documents("a.docx")
    On Error GoTo 0

    'Loop Through Worksheets, and Copy/Paste Multiple Excel Tables
    For Each sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        tableName = dict(sheet.Name)

        'Copy Table Range from Excel

        'Paste Table into MS Word (using inserted Bookmarks -> ctrl+shift+F5)
        myDoc.Bookmarks(tableName).Range.PasteExcelTable _
            LinkedToExcel:=False, _
            WordFormatting:=False, _

        'Autofit the most-recently-pasted Table so it fits inside Word Document
        myDoc.Tables(myDoc.Tables.Count).AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitWindow)

    Next sheet

    'Completion Message
    MsgBox "Copy/Pasting Complete!", vbInformation
    GoTo EndRoutine

    MsgBox "Microsoft Word file 'b' is not currently open, aborting.", 16

    'Put Stuff Back The Way It Was Found
    'Optimize Code
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True

    'Clear The Clipboard
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub




The code I had originally provided was based on your original model, in which the corresponding Worksheet, Table, and Bookmark in each set had a different name. 我最初提供的代码是基于您的原始模型的,其中每个集合中相应的工作表,表格和书签具有不同的名称。

Now that you have ensured that the names of the objects in each set are identical (which is a better model), try the following procedure. 现在,您已确保每个集合中的对象名称相同(这是一个更好的模型),请尝试以下过程。 The only difference is that the Scripting.Dictionary has been eliminated, and the Worksheet name is being used to provide both the name of the Table and the name of the Bookmark (since all three values match now). 唯一的区别是,已删除了Scripting.Dictionary ,并且使用工作表名称来提供表的名称和书签的名称(因为这三个值现在都匹配)。

As before, this one has also been tested in Excel/Word 2016, and is functioning as expected: 和以前一样,此版本也已在Excel / Word 2016中进行了测试,并且可以按预期运行:

Public Sub ExcelTablesToWord_Modified2()

    Dim WordApp As Word.Application
    Dim myDoc As Word.Document
    Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet

    'Optimize Code
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False

    'Set Variable Equal To Destination Word Document
    On Error GoTo WordDocNotFound
      Set WordApp = GetObject(class:="Word.Application")
      WordApp.Visible = True
      Set myDoc = WordApp.Documents("a.docx")
    On Error GoTo 0

    'Loop Through Worksheets, and Copy/Paste Multiple Excel Tables
    For Each sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

        'Copy Table Range from Excel

        'Paste Table into MS Word (using inserted Bookmarks -> ctrl+shift+F5)
        myDoc.Bookmarks(sheet.Name).Range.PasteExcelTable _
            LinkedToExcel:=False, _
            WordFormatting:=False, _

        'Autofit the most-recently-pasted Table so it fits inside Word Document
        myDoc.Tables(myDoc.Tables.Count).AutoFitBehavior (wdAutoFitWindow)

    Next sheet

    'Completion Message
    MsgBox "Copy/Pasting Complete!", vbInformation
    GoTo EndRoutine

    MsgBox "Microsoft Word file 'b' is not currently open, aborting.", 16

    'Put Stuff Back The Way It Was Found
    'Optimize Code
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True

    'Clear The Clipboard
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub

If you still receive the same error, then perhaps the Workbook is corrupted. 如果您仍然收到相同的错误,则可能是工作簿已损坏。 In that case, try doing the following: 在这种情况下,请尝试执行以下操作:

  1. Create a new Workbook with one Worksheet 用一个工作表创建一个新的工作簿
  2. Rename the Worksheet so that its name matches the name of one of the Bookmarks in the Word document 重命名工作表,使其名称与Word文档中的其中一个书签的名称匹配
  3. Manually add a single, small, "testing-only" Table to the Worksheet (do not copy/paste one from the original Workbook) 手动向工作表中添加一个小的“仅测试”表(不要从原始工作簿中复制/粘贴一个表)
  4. Ensure that the Table's name is the same as the Worksheet's name 确保表的名称与工作表的名称相同
  5. Copy/paste the above procedure into a new Module in that Workbook 将以上过程复制/粘贴到该工作簿中的新模块中
  6. Save the new Workbook 保存新的工作簿
  7. Ensure your Word document is open, and run the procedure 确保您的Word文档已打开,然后运行该过程

If that works, then you might consider recreating your entire original Workbook in the new Workbook. 如果可行,那么您可以考虑在新工作簿中重新创建整个原始工作簿。 When doing so, if your datasets are large enough that you must copy/paste from the Original Workbook, use "Paste Special" with "Values Only" instead of just a normal Paste. 这样做时,如果您的数据集足够大, 必须从原始工作簿中复制/粘贴,则将“选择性粘贴”与“仅值”一起使用,而不仅仅是普通的粘贴。 Then, re-create any missing formatting manually. 然后,手动重新创建任何缺少的格式。 That way, it will be less likely that any corruption in the original Workbook will be transferred to the new one. 这样,原始工作簿中的任何损坏都不会转移到新工作簿中的可能性较小。

Below will copy the first Table in every worksheet and paste into Word doc, regardless of the Table Name. 下面将复制每个工作表中的第一个表并粘贴到Word doc中,而不管表名如何。 The bookmark names in the Word doc assumed to be simply start at 1 with prefix "bookmark". Word文档中的书签名称假定简单地从1开始,并带有前缀“ bookmark”。

If specific Table names are really required, then create a Collection for the names, and loop through each Table in each Worksheet, if that table name is in the Collection then proceed to copy. 如果确实需要特定的表名,则为这些名称创建一个集合,并遍历每个工作表中的每个表,如果该表名在集合中,则继续进行复制。

Option Base 1 'Force arrays to start at 1 instead of 0

Sub ExcelTablesToWord()

    Dim oWS As Worksheet
    Dim tbl As Excel.Range
    Dim WordApp As Object ' Word.Application
    Dim myDoc As Object ' Word.Document
    Dim x As Long ' Integer

    'Optimize Code
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False

    'Set Variable Equal To Destination Word Document
    On Error Resume Next
    Set WordApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
    If WordApp Is Nothing Then Set WordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    If WordApp Is Nothing Then GoTo WordDocNotFound
    WordApp.Visible = True
    Set myDoc = WordApp.Documents("a.docx")
    If myDoc Is Nothing Then Set myDoc = WordApp.Documents.Open("a.docx")
    If myDoc Is Nothing Then GoTo WordDocNotFound

    'Loop Through and Copy/Paste Multiple Excel Tables
    x = 1 ' For x = LBound(TableArray) To UBound(TableArray)
    For Each oWS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets

        'Copy Table Range from Excel
        'Set tbl = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(x).ListObjects(TableArray(x)).Range
        Set tbl = oWS.ListObjects(1).Range
        If Not tbl Is Nothing Then

            'Paste Table into MS Word (using inserted Bookmarks -> ctrl+shift+F5)
            myDoc.Bookmarks("bookmark" & x).Range.PasteExcelTable LinkedToExcel:=False, WordFormatting:=False, RTF:=False

            'Autofit Table so it fits inside Word Document
            myDoc.Tables(x).AutoFitBehavior 2 ' (wdAutoFitWindow)

            x = x + 1
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0

    'Completion Message
    MsgBox "Copy/Pasting Complete!", vbInformation
    GoTo EndRoutine

    MsgBox "Microsoft Word file 'b' is not currently open, aborting.", 16

    'Put Stuff Back The Way It Was Found
    'Optimize Code
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.EnableEvents = True

    'Clear The Clipboard
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub

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