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[英]compilation error with ternary operator

I tried the following with ternary operator and I do not understand why it is not compiling. 我尝试使用三元运算符以下,但我不明白为什么它不编译。 The issue seems so small but I do not understand and hence bothers me - 这个问题似乎很小,但我不明白,因此困扰我-

Line 1 --> int a = false ? 第1行 -> int a = false? y+=1 : (x*=10); y + = 1:(x * = 10);

Line 2 --> int b = false ? 第2行 -> int b = false? y+=1 : x*=10; y + = 1:x * = 10;

Line 1 compiles however Line 2 does not. 第1行编译,但是第2行不编译。 Why ? 为什么呢

How is the parenthesis making a difference in case of 3rd operand and not the second operand. 在第3个操作数而不是第2个操作数的情况下,括号有何不同? I didn't have to use parenthesis with anything else in the 2nd / 3rd operands (Unary, string, basic arithmetic ...) Why just assignment operator and that too specifically 3rd operand ? 我不必在第二/第三操作数中使用括号与其他任何内容(一元,字符串,基本算术...)为什么只使用赋值运算符,而又太具体地使用第三操作数呢?

Thanks in advance ! 提前致谢 !

Without the () around x*=10 , the entire left-hand operand of the *= operator is false ? y+=1 : x 如果在x*=10周围没有() ,则*=运算符的整个左侧操作数为false ? y+=1 : x false ? y+=1 : x , as though you had: false ? y+=1 : x ,就好像您有:

int b = (false ? y+=1 : x)*=10;

And as false ? y+=1 : x false ? y+=1 : x false ? y+=1 : x isn't a variable, it can't be the left-hand operand of *= . false ? y+=1 : x不是变量,不能是*=的左操作数。

The assignment operators (including compound assignment, *= and such) are very, very low in the precedence list , below the conditional operator ( ? : ): 优先级列表中 ,条件运算符( ? : :)下的赋值运算符(包括复合赋值, *=等)非常低:

Operators Precedence 运算符优先

  • postfix: expr ++ expr -- 后缀: expr ++ expr --
  • unary: ++ expr -- expr + expr - expr ~ ! 一元: ++ expr -- expr + expr - expr ~ !
  • multiplicative: * / % 乘法: * / %
  • additive: + - 加成物: + -
  • shift: << >> >>> 班次: << >> >>>
  • relational: < > <= >= instanceof 关系: < > <= >= instanceof
  • equality: == != 平等: == !=
  • bitwise: AND & 按位:AND &
  • bitwise: exclusive OR ^ 按位:异或^
  • bitwise: inclusive OR | 按位:包含或|
  • logical: AND && 逻辑:AND &&
  • logical: OR || 逻辑:OR ||
  • ternary: ? : 三元: ? : ? :
  • assignment: = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= >>>= 分配: = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= >>>=

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