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在多页文档的每一页打印 CSS header

[英]Print CSS header at each page in a multi page document

Want to add a header on each page in the Printed document.想要在 Printed 文档的每一页上添加一个 header。

Used page-break-inside: avoid , as if some portion of the content is going to next page, it should completely go to next page.使用page-break-inside: avoid ,好像部分内容要转到下一页,它应该完全go 到下一页。

The problem occurs when the content itself takes more than a page.当内容本身超过一页时,就会出现问题。 The table structure is表结构为

<table class="super-table">
    <thead class="pageheader">
                <?php echo $header; ?>
                <?php echo $content[0]; ?>
                <?php echo $content[1]; ?>
                <?php echo $footer; ?>


@media print {
    thead { 
        display: table-header-group; position: running(pageheader);
    tr, td {
        page-break-inside: avoid;
    @page {
        size: letter portrait;
        @top-left { content: element(pageheader); }
    .super-table {
        page-break-after: always;

The header overlaps when the content takes up more than a page.当内容占用超过一页时,header 重叠。 Can I have a margin set for content only in each page and not the header?我可以只在每个页面中为内容设置边距,而不是 header? Adding margin-top to @page shifts down the header also.将 margin-top 添加到@page也会使 header 向下移动。

IMAGE: <thead> overlaps if content occupies more than one page IMAGE: <thead>重叠,如果内容占据超过一页

It has nothing to do with PHP but with CSS. 它与PHP无关,但与CSS无关。 PHP cannot manipulate with website design, it just outputs content. PHP无法通过网站设计来操作,它只能输出内容。

You are probably looking for this: Repeat table headers in print mode 您可能正在寻找: 在打印模式下重复表格标题

This can be done by the new page module of css.这可以通过 css 的新页面模块来完成。

But as this is not supported by browsers until now, you can have a look at paged.js .但由于到目前为止浏览器不支持此功能,您可以查看paged.js

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