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Print CSS header at each page in a multi page document

Want to add a header on each page in the Printed document.

Used page-break-inside: avoid , as if some portion of the content is going to next page, it should completely go to next page.

The problem occurs when the content itself takes more than a page. The table structure is

<table class="super-table">
    <thead class="pageheader">
                <?php echo $header; ?>
                <?php echo $content[0]; ?>
                <?php echo $content[1]; ?>
                <?php echo $footer; ?>


@media print {
    thead { 
        display: table-header-group; position: running(pageheader);
    tr, td {
        page-break-inside: avoid;
    @page {
        size: letter portrait;
        @top-left { content: element(pageheader); }
    .super-table {
        page-break-after: always;

The header overlaps when the content takes up more than a page. Can I have a margin set for content only in each page and not the header? Adding margin-top to @page shifts down the header also.

IMAGE: <thead> overlaps if content occupies more than one page

It has nothing to do with PHP but with CSS. PHP cannot manipulate with website design, it just outputs content.

You are probably looking for this: Repeat table headers in print mode

This can be done by the new page module of css.

But as this is not supported by browsers until now, you can have a look at paged.js .

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