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[英]Visualize all Maven phases, goals, profiles, and plugins

Is there a way print a graph or simple chart of all the phases, goals, profiles, and plugins running during a given run of Maven? 有没有办法打印在给定的Maven运行期间运行的所有阶段,目标,配置文件和插件的图表或简单图表? It seems like this would be useful to see a big picture of what is going on. 看起来这对于了解正在发生的事情的大局似乎是有用的。 I know you can turn on debug mode via -X , but I'm looking for something more concise. 我知道你可以通过-X打开调试模式,但我正在寻找更简洁的东西。 Specifically to show which plugins are running in which phases, but showing all goals, phases, and profiles would be useful as well. 具体来说,显示哪些插件在哪个阶段运行,但显示所有目标,阶段和配置文件也是有用的。

You can use buildplan-maven-plugin , which has the goal list-phase for displaying plugin executions within lifecycle phases. 您可以使用buildplan-maven-plugin ,它具有目标list-phase用于在生命周期阶段显示插件执行。

mvn fr.jcgay.maven.plugins:buildplan-maven-plugin:list-phase

You can run this for a specific profile: just tack on -P profile-name . 您可以针对特定的配置文件运行此命令:只需添加-P profile-name

Example output on an empty Maven project: 空Maven项目的示例输出:

process-resources ---------------------------------------------------
    + maven-resources-plugin | default-resources     | resources
compile -------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-compiler-plugin  | default-compile       | compile
process-test-resources ----------------------------------------------
    + maven-resources-plugin | default-testResources | testResources
test-compile --------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-compiler-plugin  | default-testCompile   | testCompile
test ----------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-surefire-plugin  | default-test          | test
package -------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-jar-plugin       | default-jar           | jar
install -------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-install-plugin   | default-install       | install
deploy --------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-deploy-plugin    | default-deploy        | deploy

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