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Visualize all Maven phases, goals, profiles, and plugins

Is there a way print a graph or simple chart of all the phases, goals, profiles, and plugins running during a given run of Maven? It seems like this would be useful to see a big picture of what is going on. I know you can turn on debug mode via -X , but I'm looking for something more concise. Specifically to show which plugins are running in which phases, but showing all goals, phases, and profiles would be useful as well.

You can use buildplan-maven-plugin , which has the goal list-phase for displaying plugin executions within lifecycle phases.

mvn fr.jcgay.maven.plugins:buildplan-maven-plugin:list-phase

You can run this for a specific profile: just tack on -P profile-name .

Example output on an empty Maven project:

process-resources ---------------------------------------------------
    + maven-resources-plugin | default-resources     | resources
compile -------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-compiler-plugin  | default-compile       | compile
process-test-resources ----------------------------------------------
    + maven-resources-plugin | default-testResources | testResources
test-compile --------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-compiler-plugin  | default-testCompile   | testCompile
test ----------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-surefire-plugin  | default-test          | test
package -------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-jar-plugin       | default-jar           | jar
install -------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-install-plugin   | default-install       | install
deploy --------------------------------------------------------------
    + maven-deploy-plugin    | default-deploy        | deploy

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