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谷歌“正式”支持哪个 Python 云存储库/API?

[英]Which Python Cloud Storage lib/API is "officially" supported by Google?

I'm migrating a Python service out of Google App Engine over to GCE/GKE and could use some help identifying the current production-grade, SLA'd method for managing objects in Google Cloud Storage.我正在将 Python 服务从 Google App Engine 迁移到 GCE/GKE,并且可以使用一些帮助来识别当前的生产级、SLA 方法来管理 Google Cloud Storage 中的对象。

The one referenced by most of Google's storage docs is the google.cloud.storage library.大多数Google 存储文档都引用了google.cloud.storage库。 This looks nice and simple.这看起来很好很简单。 However, as of now -- Jan 2017 -- there's a big header at the top that identifies the library as Beta , and has no SLA or deprecation policy.但是,截至目前 - 2017 年 1 月 - 顶部有一个大标题,将库标识为Beta ,并且没有 SLA 或弃用政策。 I'd prefer to use an SLA'd service.我更喜欢使用 SLA 服务。

After a lot of searching I found this alternative JSON API example: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/storage-file-transfer-json-python but it's much more cumbersome and isn't clear that it's better supported.经过大量搜索,我找到了这个替代的 JSON API 示例: https : //github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/storage-file-transfer-json-python但它更麻烦,并且不清楚它是否得到更好的支持。

Any advice on which API to use?关于使用哪个 API 的任何建议?
Or better examples for bootstrapping?或者更好的引导示例?
Thanks in advance提前致谢

Google Cloud Storage, the service, is not in beta.该服务 Google Cloud Storage 尚未处于测试阶段。 It has an SLA and a deprecation policy.它具有 SLA 和弃用政策。 The client library you've found, the Google Cloud Client Library for Python (google-cloud) , is in beta, which means that it's possible that a future version of it might in some cases make backwards-incompatible changes.您找到的客户端库,适用于 PythonGoogle Cloud 客户端库 (google-cloud)处于测试阶段,这意味着它的未来版本在某些情况下可能会进行向后不兼容的更改。 However, it's also the current gold standard for easiest-to-use client library.但是,它也是当前最易于使用的客户端库的黄金标准。

I recommend you use that one.我建议你使用那个。 Another option is the Google Python API Client Library , which is not in beta, but I found the Google Cloud Client Library for Python to be substantially easier to use, which is important.另一种选择是Google Python API Client Library ,它不是测试版,但我发现Google Cloud Client Library for Python更容易使用,这很重要。

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