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Google Translate API - 读取和写入云存储 - Python

[英]Google Translate API - Reading and Writing to Cloud Storage - Python

I'm using Google Translation API to translate a csv file with multiple columns and rows.我正在使用 Google Translation API 来翻译具有多列和多行的 csv 文件。 The target language is english and the file has text in multiple languages.目标语言是英语,文件有多种语言的文本。

The code posted below uses local files for testing but I'd like to use (import) file from the cloud storage bucket and export the translated file to a different cloud storage bucket.下面发布的代码使用本地文件进行测试,但我想使用(导入)云存储桶中的文件并将翻译后的文件导出到不同的云存储桶。

I've tried to run the script below with my sample file and got an error message: "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory"我试图用我的示例文件运行下面的脚本并收到一条错误消息:“FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory”

I stumbled upon this link for "Reading and Writing to Cloud Storage" but I was not able to implement the suggested solution into the script below.我偶然发现了“读取和写入云存储”的链接,但我无法将建议的解决方案实施到下面的脚本中。 https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/googlecloudstorageclient/read-write-to-cloud-storage#reading_from_cloud_storage https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/googlecloudstorageclient/read-write-to-cloud-storage#reading_from_cloud_storage

May I ask for a suggested modification of the script to import (and translate) the file from google cloud bucket and export the translated file to a different google cloud bucket?我可以要求修改脚本以从谷歌云存储桶导入(和翻译)文件并将翻译后的文件导出到不同的谷歌云存储桶吗? Thank you!谢谢!

Script mentioned:脚本提到:

from google.cloud import translate
import csv

def listToString(s):
    """ Transform list to string"""
    str1 = " "
    return (str1.join(s))

def detect_language(project_id,content):
    """Detecting the language of a text string."""

    client = translate.TranslationServiceClient()
    location = "global"
    parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"

    response = client.detect_language(
        mime_type="text/plain",  # mime types: text/plain, text/html

    for language in response.languages:
        return language.language_code

def translate_text(text, project_id,source_lang):
    """Translating Text."""

    client = translate.TranslationServiceClient()
    location = "global"
    parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"

    # Detail on supported types can be found here:
    # https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/supported-formats
    response = client.translate_text(
            "parent": parent,
            "contents": [text],
            "mime_type": "text/plain",  # mime types: text/plain, text/html
            "source_language_code": source_lang,
            "target_language_code": "en-US",

    # Display the translation for each input text provided
    for translation in response.translations:
        print("Translated text: {}".format(translation.translated_text))
def main():

    csv_files = ["sample1.csv","sample2.csv"]
    # Perform your content extraction here if you have a different file format #
    for csv_file in csv_files:
        csv_file = open(csv_file)
        read_csv = csv.reader(csv_file)
        content_csv = []

        for row in read_csv:
        content = listToString(content_csv) # convert list to string
        detect = detect_language(project_id=project_id,content=content)

if __name__ == "__main__":

You could download the file from GCS and run your logic against the local (downloaded file) and then upload to another GCS bucket.您可以从 GCS 下载文件并针对本地(下载的文件)运行您的逻辑,然后上传到另一个 GCS 存储桶。 Example:例子:

Download file from "my-bucket" to /tmp从“my-bucket”下载文件到/tmp

from google.cloud import storage

client = storage.Client()

bucket = client.get_bucket("my-bucket")
source_blob = bucket.blob("blob/path/file.csv")
new_file = "/tmp/file.csv"
download_blob = source_blob.download_to_filename(new_file)

After translating/running your code logic, upload to a bucket:翻译/运行您的代码逻辑后,上传到存储桶:

bucket = client.get_bucket('my-other-bucket')
blob = bucket.blob('myfile.csv')

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