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如何处理 Array.prototype.reduce() 函数中的 eslint no-param-reassign 规则

[英]How to handle eslint no-param-reassign rule in Array.prototype.reduce() functions

I've recently added the eslint rule no-param-reassign .我最近添加了 eslint 规则no-param-reassign

However, when I use reduce to build out an object (empty object as initialValue ), I find myself needing to modify the accumulator (first arg of callback function) on each callback iteration, which causes a no-param-reassign linter complaint (as one would expect it would).但是,当我使用reduce构建一个对象(空对象作为initialValue )时,我发现自己需要在每次回调迭代时修改accumulator (回调函数的第一个 arg),这会导致no-param-reassign linter 投诉(如人们会期望它会)。

const newObject = ['a', 'b', 'c'].reduce((result, item, index) => {
  result[item] = index; // <-- causes the no-param-reassign complaint
  return result;
}, {});

Is there a better way to build out an object with reduce that doesn't modify the accumulator argument?有没有更好的方法来构建一个不修改accumulator参数的reduce对象?

Or should I simply disable the linting rule for that line in my reduce callback functions?或者我应该在我的reduce回调函数中简单地禁用该行的linting规则?

One solution would be to leverage the object spread operator一种解决方案是利用对象扩展运算符

const newObject = ['a', 'b', 'c'].reduce((result, item, index) => ({
  [item]: index, 
}), {});

Performance Warning!!性能警告!! This is a non-performant ( O(n^2 ) solution that should be avoided.这是应该避免的非性能( O(n^2 ) 解决方案

I just wrap the reduce functions in a lint rule disable block, ie:我只是将 reduce 函数包装在一个 lint 规则禁用块中,即:

/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
const newObject = ['a', 'b', 'c'].reduce((result, item, index) => {
  result[item] = index;
  return result;
}, {});
/* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */

Well, you could do (result, item) => Object.assign({}, result, {[item]: whatever}) to create a new object on every iteration :-)好吧,你可以做(result, item) => Object.assign({}, result, {[item]: whatever})在每次迭代时创建一个新对象:-)

If you want to trick the linter, you could use => Object.assign(result, {[item]: whatever}) (which does the same as your current code but without an explicit assignment), but yeah I guess you should simply disable that rule.如果你想欺骗 linter,你可以使用=> Object.assign(result, {[item]: whatever}) (它和你当前的代码一样,但没有明确的赋值),但是我想你应该简单地禁用该规则。

Whenever I use Array.prototype.reduce I always name the "accumulator" parameter accu .每当我使用Array.prototype.reduce我总是将“累加器”参数命名为accu This convention conveniently allowed me to set my eslint rule:这个约定方便我设置我的 eslint 规则:

    "no-param-reassign": [
        "props": true,
        "ignorePropertyModificationsFor": ["accu"]

If you have your own naming convention for this parameter, replace "accu" in the rule above with whatever you use, and eslint will not complain about modifying your accumulator.如果您对此参数有自己的命名约定,请将上面规则中的“accu”替换为您使用的任何内容,并且 eslint 不会抱怨修改您的累加器。

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