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[英]pointer that is assigned value in function is blank after returning

Making a function for adding a customer record on to a text file. 提供将客户记录添加到文本文件的功能。 I have made a function that would trim leading and last spaces off customer name etc, called trimspaces. 我已经制作了一个功能,该功能可以裁剪掉客户名称等的前导空格和最后空格,称为trimspaces。

the function addrecord is to handle storing of record in file. addrecord函数用于处理文件中的记录存储。 It gets given 3 parameters (name /address/ phone). 它获得3个参数(名称/地址/电话)。 Before storing operation function will remove whitespaces using trimspaces function, then combine the 3 strings to one. 在存储操作函数之前,将使用trimspaces函数删除空格,然后将3个字符串组合为1个。

#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> //mkdir
#include <stdio.h> //printf
#include <errno.h> //error number
#include <unistd.h> //access
#include <string.h> //strcat
#include <ctype.h> //isspace
#include <stdlib.h>//malloc

int checkFile();
int makeFile();
int addRecord(char* name, char* addr, char* phon);
int searchRec(int column, char* value);
char* getRec(int recNo);
int getRecNo();
char* trimspaces(char* string,char*ptr);

int addRecord(char* name, char* addr, char* phon){
    printf("\n- starting records addReord function -\n");   
    int success = 0;

    char* namt = trimspaces(name,namt);
    char* addt = trimspaces(addr,addt);
    char* phot = trimspaces(phon,phot);

    //this prints "trimmed words: , , " 
    printf("\n trimmed words: %s, %s, %s",namt,addt,phot);  

    char*combined1 = strcat(namt,"|");
    char*combined2 = strcat(combined1,addt);
    char*combined3 = strcat(combined2,"|");
    char*combined4 = strcat(combined3,phot);

    printf("\nwords combined: %s",combined4);


    printf("\n- leaving records addrecord function -\n");
    return success;

char* trimspaces(char* string,char*ptr){
    printf("\n- entered trimspaces function -");    

    char *str= string;
    int slen = strlen(str); //string length
    int ctfor = 0; //counter forward
    int ctbak = 0; //counter back

    while(isspace(*str)){ str++; ctfor++; }; //count to start of word
    while(*str){str++;}; //go to end

    do{ str--; ctbak++; }while(isspace(*str)); //count from end to end of word

    int cbako = (slen - ctbak) + 1; //counter back reversed
    int wlen = cbako - ctfor; //get word length


    while(*str){ str--; }


    char newStr[wlen]; //char pointer gives segmentation fault

    ptr = malloc(sizeof(newStr)+1);
    ptr = newStr;
    printf("\nPTR is : %s",ptr);

    return ptr;
    printf("\n- leaving trimspaces function -");

int main(){
    addRecord("kara","19,sams st","993328");


THIS IS THE OUTPUT: (I want the text between --text-- to be string with leading/end spaces remvoed, and timmed words lines to say - TRIMMED words: kara,19,sams st,993328) 这就是输出:(我希望--text--之间的文本是带前导/结尾空格的字符串,并加上修饰的单词行说-修饰词:kara,19,sams st,993328)

- starting records addReord function -

- entered trimspaces function -
PTR is : kara
- entered trimspaces function -
--19,sams st@--
PTR is : 19,sams st@
- entered trimspaces function -
@--93328s W
@TR is : 993328s W
 TRIMMED words: , , 
- leaving records addrecord function -

Ive met 2 problems in the output of main function. 我在主要功能的输出中遇到了2个问题。 first the printed string at - printf("\\n TRIMMED words: %s, %s, %s",namt,addt,phot); 首先在-printf(“ \\ n TRIMMED words:%s,%s,%s”,namt,addt,phot)处打印字符串; reads : TRIMMED words: , , Ive tried a number of things but the returned variables are always blank. 读取:TRIMMED单词:,,Ive尝试了很多操作,但是返回的变量始终为空。 I wonder if Im using malloc and pointers right. 我想知道Im是否正确使用malloc和指针。

second problem is 第二个问题是

--19,sams st@--
PTR is : 19,sams st@
@--93328s W
@TR is : 993328s W

I dont know where the @ and Ws come from. 我不知道@和Ws的来源。 When I tested trimspaces function with different values it printed correct results. 当我用不同的值测试trimspaces函数时,它会打印正确的结果。

I will note here that I used export PS1='\\u@\\h: ' on terminal for a shorter prompt. 在这里,我将在终端上使用export PS1 ='\\ u @ \\ h:'来缩短提示时间。

what should I do to get the variables to print values? 我该怎么做才能使变量显示值?

Based on the feedback given Ive modified the code to correct some of the mistakes. 根据给出的反馈,Ive修改了代码以纠正某些错误。 this code may not be quite proper and there are still problems(apparently blank inputs strings to trimspaces function gives errors - Im leaving this problem alone and moving on for the moment) 此代码可能不太正确,仍然存在问题(显然,trimspaces函数的空白输入字符串会产生错误-我暂时不考虑此问题,暂时继续讨论)

after some digging I found that you need to pass a pointer to a pointer (**) for malloc to work on the variable passed to a different function. 经过一些挖掘后,我发现您需要将指针传递给指针(**),以便malloc在传递给其他函数的变量上工作。 still dont understand these principles well but it seems to work. 仍然不能很好地理解这些原理,但是似乎可行。 also use strcat on pointer space and char array instead of use of direct = operator. 还可以在指针空间和char数组上使用strcat,而不要使用direct =运算符。

#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> //mkdir
#include <stdio.h> //printf
#include <errno.h> //error number
#include <unistd.h> //access
#include <string.h> //strcat
#include <ctype.h> //isspace
#include <stdlib.h>//malloc

int addRecord(char* name, char* addr, char* phon);
void trimspaces(char* string,char**ptr);

int addRecord(char* name, char* addr, char* phon){
    printf("\n- starting records addReord function -\n");   
    int success = 0;

    char* namt = "";
    char* addt = "";
    char* phot = "";

    //this prints "trimmed words: , , " 
    printf("\n TRIMMED words: %s, %s, %s",namt,addt,phot);  

    printf("\n- leaving records addrecord function -\n");
    return success;

void trimspaces(char* string, char** ptr){
    printf("\n- entered trimspaces function -");    

    char *str= string;
    int slen = strlen(str); //string length
    int ctfor = 0; //counter forward
    int ctbak = 0; //counter back

    while(isspace((unsigned char)*str)){ str++; ctfor++; }; //count to start of word
    while(*str){str++;}; //go to end

    //unsigned char
    do{ str--; ctbak++; }while(isspace((unsigned char)*str)); //count from end to end of word

    int cbako = (slen - ctbak) + 1; //counter back reversed
    int wlen = cbako - ctfor; //get word length


    while(*str){ str--; }

    while(isspace((unsigned char)*str)){

    char newStr[wlen+1]; //char pointer gives segmentation fault
    memcpy(newStr,str,wlen); //not null terminated
    newStr[wlen] = '\0';


    //PASS POINTER TO POINTER for malloc to work / malloc inside another function
    *ptr = malloc(sizeof(newStr)+1); //memory

    printf("\nPTR is : %s",*ptr);

    printf("\n- leaving trimspaces function -");


int main(){
    addRecord("   ertsfs  ","  120,Dans st  ","   111 000 222");


No need to pass ptr as argument to trimspaces calls. 无需将ptr作为参数传递给trimspaces调用。

This works (even if string is just whitespaces or empty): 这有效(即使string只是空白或为空):

char *trimspaces(char *string){
    size_t len = strlen(string);
    char *s = string; //start
    char *e = string + len - 1; //end

    while(s <= e && isspace(*s)) s++;
    while(e >= s && isspace(*e)) e--;

    size_t size = e - s + 1;
    char *ptr = (char*) malloc(size + 1);

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
        ptr[i] = s[i];
    ptr[i] = '\0';

    return ptr;

If you encounter any problem with pointers out-of-bound (which I doubt) try this using indexes instead of pointers: 如果遇到越界指针的任何问题(我对此表示怀疑),请尝试使用索引而不是指针:

char *trimspaces(char *string){
    int len = strlen(string);
    int s = 0; //start
    int e = len - 1; //end

    while(s <= e && isspace(string[s])) s++;
    while(e >= s && isspace(string[e])) e--;

    int size = e - s + 1;
    char *ptr = (char *) malloc(size + 1);

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
        ptr[i] = string[i + s];
    ptr[i] = '\0';

    return ptr;

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