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[英]SFML Place Sprite on center

I have been trying to fix this problem for about an hour or more... But couldn't find any usefull answers. 我一直在尝试解决这个问题大约一个小时或更长时间...但是找不到任何有用的答案。 I am trying to place a sprite on the center of the window, but it shows up on TOP_LEFT. 我正在尝试将一个精灵放置在窗口的中心,但是它显示在TOP_LEFT上。 Here is the constructor for my class and as you can see I am dividing surface.width and surface.height by 2 这是我的类的构造函数,您可以看到我将surface.width和surface.height除以2

Spaceship::Spaceship(sf::RenderWindow& game_window){
    auto surface = game_window.getSize();
    signed int ss_x = surface.x/2;
    signed int ss_y = surface.y/2;

    int ss_width = 128;
    int ss_height = 128;
    int ss_radius = ss_width/2;
 // For displaying the sprite on window   //
void Spaceship::drawsprite(sf::RenderWindow& game_window){
    sf::Texture ship;
    if (!ship.loadFromFile(resourcePath() + "space-shuttle-64.png")) {
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    sf::Sprite ss_sprite(ship);
    ss_sprite.setPosition(ss_x, ss_y);

I have also tried with: 我也尝试过:

   auto surface = game_window.RenderWindow::getSize();
    signed int ss_x = surface.x/2;
    signed int ss_y = surface.y/2;

but that didn't help either. 但这也无济于事。


I have tried to print the variables which are defined inside the constructor and I got 0 on all of them. 我试图打印在构造函数内部定义的变量,但所有变量都为0。 So my problems seems to be the accessing problem. 所以我的问题似乎是访问问题。 but there were no errors or warnings that have told me that. 但是没有任何错误或警告告诉我。

UPDATE 2: 更新2:

this is the header file: 这是头文件:

#ifndef Spaceship_hpp
#define Spaceship_hpp
#include <iostream>
#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

class Spaceship {
     void moveship(char);
     void drawsprite(sf::RenderWindow&);

    signed int ss_x, ss_y;
    unsigned int ss_speed;
    int ss_width, ss_height, ss_radius;


#endif /* Spaceship_hpp */

You are not initialising your attributes in your constructor correctly. 您没有在构造函数中正确初始化属性。

Spaceship::Spaceship(sf::RenderWindow& game_window){
    auto surface = sf::VideoMode::getDesktopMode();
    signed int ss_x = surface.width/2;
    signed int ss_y = surface.height/2;

    int ss_width = 128;
    int ss_height = 128;
    int ss_radius = ss_width/2;

should be 应该

Spaceship::Spaceship(sf::RenderWindow& game_window){
    auto surface = sf::VideoMode::getDesktopMode();
    ss_x = surface.width/2;
    ss_y = surface.height/2;

    ss_width = 128;
    ss_height = 128;
    ss_radius = ss_width/2;

Declaring variables in the body of the class means they are seen globally by the class, if you redeclare a variable in the constructor, it will take over the role from the global variable. 在类的主体中声明变量意味着它们在类中全局可见,如果在构造函数中重新声明变量,它将从全局变量中代替角色。 This is called variable shadowing . 这称为可变阴影 All modifications to the variable will work, but once you leave the scope of your constructor/function/method, then you lose the information since your attribute variable wasn't modified. 对变量的所有修改都可以使用,但是一旦离开构造函数/函数/方法的范围,由于未修改属性变量,您将丢失信息。

More on scopes: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/scope 有关范围的更多信息: http : //en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/scope

More on variable shadowing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_shadowing?oldformat=true 有关可变阴影的更多信息: https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_shadowing? oldformat =true

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