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无法识别 JavaScriptInterface 方法(Android webview)

[英]JavaScriptInterface methods not recognizable (Android webview)

I have in my MainActivity:我在我的 MainActivity 中有:

 webView.addJavascriptInterface( new JavaScriptInterface( this ), "ajaxHandler" );
 public class JavaScriptInterface
        Context mContext;

        JavaScriptInterface( Context c ) {
            mContext = c;

        public void DoSomething( String dataToPrint )

I read that the problem might be proguard.我读到这个问题可能是proguard。 So I updated the proguard rules file :所以我更新了 proguard 规则文件:

-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
     public *;

-keep public class com.example.testapp.JavaScriptInterface
-keep public class * implements com.example.testapp.JavaScriptInterface
-keepclassmembers class * implements com.example.testapp.MainActivity.JavaScriptInterface{
    public *;

It didn't help though... in the chrome debugger, since I put in console the ajaxHandler object and the DoSomething method, I can see the ajaxHandler object as Object {} but it's empty, and the method DoSomething is undefined虽然它没有帮助......在chrome调试器中,因为我在控制台中放置了ajaxHandler对象和DoSomething方法,我可以将ajaxHandler对象视为Object {}但它是空的,并且DoSomething方法undefined

Interface class接口类

public class JavaScriptInterface
        Context mContext;

        JavaScriptInterface( Context c ) {
            mContext = c;
        @JavascriptInterface //add this
        public void DoSomething( String dataToPrint )

In proGuard.pro file在 proGuard.pro 文件中

-keep public class com.example.testapp.MainActivity$JavaScriptInterface
-keep public class * implements com.example.testapp.MainActivity$JavaScriptInterface
-keepclassmembers class * implements com.example.testapp.MainActivity$JavaScriptInterface{
-keepattributes *Annotation*

Use $ sign not .不使用$符号. to get inner interface class name.获取内部接口类名。

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