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从android webview触发JavascriptInterface

[英]triggering JavascriptInterface from a android webview

I followed an instruction to trigger the JavascriptInterface from a webview, but it isnt triggered in my case. 我按照一条指令从webview中触发了JavascriptInterface,但在我的情况下它没有被触发。

I have an class QuickTextViewer with following: 我有一个类QuickTextViewer,其中包括:

    public class QuickTextViewer {
        private WebView webView;
        public QuickTextViewer(){
           webView = dialog.findViewById(R.id.mywebview);

           webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
            public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
                super.onPageFinished(view, url);
    public void resize(final float height) {

I also added the following to proguard-rules.pro (actually public only for testing) 我还在proguard-rules.pro中添加了以下内容(实际上仅用于测试)

-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview {
   public *;

In my case onPageFinished is triggered but resize() not ! 在我的情况下onPageFinished被触发但是resize()没有! Any suggestions/help ? 有什么建议/帮助吗?

Found the problem now. 现在发现了问题。 Just had to add: 只需添加:


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